part 67

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after the mud bath they got up going to the showers washing the mud off then they dried off getting dressed back in their regular clothes and rose got in her car while y/n got in hers and they drove to roses house when they made it they walked in and y/n stood there shocked seeing a bunch of people running around and yelling then when they saw her they stopped and one guy was about to chest bump her until rose pushed them away and made a pregnant hand gesture making the person yell out "ohhhhh"

??: my fault
Y: nah you good
Stoud: well i'm stoud and this is jared my best friend then you have michelle lucianna gigi bobby josh and ace
Y: hi
Ace: so are you another one of roses sneaky links
Y: um no i'm single
Jared: i only needed to hear that one time hey how you doing i'm jared
Y: uhh hey
Rose: you're making her uncomfortable jared
Bobby: maybe she rather talk to me
Josh: back your ugly ass up before shes runs
Gigi: guys i don't think she can run she's pregnant
Michelle: she can run gigi you can't even tell yet
Lucianna: unless she's lying
Y: yea because it's my dream and aspiration to be pregnant thanks for noticing
Gigi: yea she passed the test
Y: what test
Stoud: the girls have this dumb thing where every time a new girl comes they check to see if they have an attitude if they do they can stay if not they have to go
Y: so basically average high school bitches
Jared: damn
Ace: i need this one
Y: i'm not a toy
Bobby: no but you sure are a prize
Y: anyways it was nice meeting y'all i think i'm gonna go
Josh: don't do is like that we're joking
Gigi: are you always this boring
Y: are you always this bitchy
Rose: ok let's just go to y/ns house
Bobby: road trip i'm down

everyone walked out getting in roses car while y/n got in hers and they drove together to her house once they made it they got out walking inside and isa and ayaina ran to her hugging her so she hugged them back then she let the others in and she was about to introduce them to each other until flour got thrown at her and she looked up seeing derek with his hand completely white looking away

Y: you think this is funny
Derek: no i don't know what you're talking about

y/n shook her head going into the kitchen and filling a bowl full of flour then once derek wasn't paying attention she dumped it on him while he opened his mouth in shock looking at her then after a while they were throwing flour on each other and laughing

Lucianna: i could be wrong but there's definitely history there
Ayaina: a whole year and a baby later
Rose: oh he's the dad
Ayaina: yup

after a while y/n cleaned her face and dusted her clothes walking back to the others

Y: sorry anyways this is isa ayaina and my sister aya then that's mike vallyk kobe and derek oh and cohen and i have a few other friends that come over daily so you'll see them soon but yea and guys this is stoud and his best friend jared then lucianna gigi michelle rose josh bobby and ace
Bobby: i like the way you say my name can you moan it
Y: and i like the way you sound when your mouth is closed can you shut up
Isa: right giving me very much shriveled dick energy
Ayaina: very much weak stroke game
Aya: very much thirty seconds
Y: very much slow down

the girls laughed while bobby flicked them off then after a while they all sat down on the couch watching movies and talking then while they were watching movies derek sat next to y/n before laying his head in her lap so she started playing with his hair

Derek: what you do today
Y: i went to this little spa thing and met rose the girl right there then i went to her house and met all of her friends so none too much what did you do
Derek: stayed home all day organizing shit
Y: what you organize
Derek: my clothes shoes and chains
Y: why don't you just buy a chain rack
Derek: i'm going to i'm just too lazy to do it anytime soon
Y: ok don't say none when they get tangled
Derek: i mean i could buy more
Y: yea but you're gonna be too lazy for that too
Derek: you right but hey let me think i would
Y: dream on imma let you think it as long as you want
Derek: you never told me how you felt
Y: felt about what
Derek: about being pregnant
Y: well you see i was gonna tell you how i felt but when i told you i kind of just gotten broken up with
Derek: i get it
Y: i'm just making sure
Derek: answer the question
Y: i mean you didn't really ask a question it was more of a statement
Derek: y/n...
Y: ok i mean yea i'm excited i guess a lil nervous or whatever but all around i think i'm mostly happy
Derek: well at least you're happy
Y: what about you
Derek: scared out of my fucking mind
Y: why
Derek: bruh what if i'm like a piece of shit or something
Y: i mean that's on you no one can control that
Derek: but what if i try my best and they hate me
Y: talk to them no offense i promise but do the things you wish your dad did for you
Derek: so actually be around, care, give a fuck about how his kids feel, love me, come back at least to see how i look now, say he's proud of me, and so on

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