part 88

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it's been two months since everything happened and y/n still lives with the others she forgave derek but she rarely ever talks to him and jaden comes around way more they flirt with each other every now and then but valentinas birthday was today which also meant it was valentine's day so while y/n was taking pictures of valentina and talking to her jaden tapped her shoulder and she turned around seeing him standing there with a life sized royal blue bear with a card and white flowers with a few shirts

Y: aww you didn't have to
Jaden: for you yea i did

y/n walked to jaden hugging him and he hugged her back then they rocked side to side until she pulled away and he handed the stuff to her and she sat down on the ground looking at them

Y: you like mommy's bear
Valentina: it's blue
Y: that's right can you say hi to jaden
Valentina: hey jaden
Jaden: hey valentina happy birthday
Valentina: thank you

jaden hugged valentina and she hugged him back then he handed her a small pink bear and she smiled at it before grabbing it then while she was distracted y/n opened the card seeing it was completely full on both sides so she began reading it then after three minutes she closed it and looked at jaden

Y: you mean this
Jaden: of course i mean it i've meant it since i met you

y/n stood up then she smiled and put both of her hands on jadens face kissing him and he kissed her back also smiling putting both hands on her lower back then they moved apart when they heard clapping so they turned around and saw it was valentina and they're started laughing

Jaden: she's adorable
Y: yes she really is

after that they took turns watching valentina while the other showered then once they were both done they put on a movie for valentina and grabbed their toothbrushes going into the bathroom and brushing their teeth then jaden took a picture of them

after that they took turns watching valentina while the other showered then once they were both done they put on a movie for valentina and grabbed their toothbrushes going into the bathroom and brushing their teeth then jaden took a picture of them

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liked by theofficial.y/n and 5284649 others
jadenrabago: happy valentine's day from me and this gem

theofficial.y/n: we're so hot
jadenrabago: we sure are^^
supporter: THEY SAID WE NOT ME OR IM^^
mattiapolibio: he's winning
kbreeezo: relationship goals
vallyk: me and ashley are cuter
derektrendz: damn
fympeyton: glad to see her happy
fairybabyash: finally someone who'll treat her right
jadenrabago: nothing less than the best for her^^
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after that they finished brushing their teeth then jaden kissed y/ns cheek and she smiled then they walked out the bathroom sitting down with valentina and playing with her then they got her dressed up in her birthday outfit and after that they started playing hide and seek in the room obviously they hid in noticeable places but once she got done they took her birthday pictures

after that they finished brushing their teeth then jaden kissed y/ns cheek and she smiled then they walked out the bathroom sitting down with valentina and playing with her then they got her dressed up in her birthday outfit and after that they st...

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liked by jadenrabago and 6947585 others
theofficial.y/n: happy birthday to the best person i could ever have in my life mommy loves you <3

derektrendz: the cutest baby ever
jadenrabago: popped off in her little outfit so cute
theofficial.y/n: ikr just a cutie^^
fairybabyash: aww my step daughter
theofficial.y/n: LMAO bye ashley^^
mattiapolibio: i shall be bringing my present later
theofficial.y/n: later is the surprise don't be late^^
hnterss: we won't y/n you told us twenty times^^
isa.bailes: how is a baby more photogenic than me
theofficial.y/n: right^^
*load 2629474 more comments*

after that y/n picked up valentina and carried her to dereks room knocking on the door and waiting until he finally answered

Derek: huh
Y: can you watch her while i set up her birthday party
Derek: sure what time is it starting
Y: derek you live here you don't need to know what time it starts
Derek: i did not think about that
Y: yea i can see anyways thank you
Derek: wait um before you go how's everything
Y: we live in the same house
Derek: i know but we don't even talk anymore like we used to
Y: oh i wonder why
Derek: can you just talk to me during or after the party
Y: fine i'll talk after the party
Derek: thank you

y/n walked off going downstairs setting everything up then once she finished she checked the time and it was six and people started coming talking to valentina and giving her a bunch of gifts and dancing around with each other then they drunk the little jell-o shots then while y/n and jaden were talking isa came over pulling her to the girls

Isa: so what's the deal
Y: the deal with what
Isa: you and jaden
Y: none much he told me he liked me in this card he gave me so i kissed him other than that nothing
Ayaina: so y'all aren't dating
Y: no why
Ashley: because d-

before ashley could finish isa slapped her on the back of the head and y/n had her mouth open in surprise

Ashley: you dumb bitch
Isa: shut up
Y: what the hell is so important that you can't tell me that you had to hit her
Isa: you'll figure out later
Y: ok so can i go back to the party
Ashley: she means jaden
Y: no i mean the party

y/n looked at jaden then back at the others laughing then she walked off going to valentina and picking her up carrying her outside to look at her outside decorations then derek came out standing next to her and she just looked at him then back straight ahead

Derek: i'm sorry y/n
Y: i already forgave you and i don't want to dwell on the past so can we just drop it and this conversation
Derek: how can i try to focus on a future with you when i know you're not over the past
Y: what future are you talking about
Derek: the one of me and you together
Y: you must mean the one of you and nupur together since that is who you cheated on me with


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