part 116

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that night y/n went to sleep with her hands still red and her dress on but when she woke up she showered then put the dress in her closet refusing to throw it away and for months she wore only his clothes until it was time for his funeral and she wore his favorite colors but she didn't wear a tight dress since her bump was now more than showing she was up at the podium holding back tears then once it was time for her to speak a few fell down and she looked around at everyone which made it worse

Y: keith was...a great guy and father and for the few hours i got he was an amazing husband he didn't deserve to be taken away from me like that he lit up any room he was in just by standing there he lit up my heart by just looking at me these past few months have been extremely hard for me watching the man i love die in front of me it broke something in me that i'll never get back keith was different he never cheated he never lied to me and he only kept secrets to protect me we were together for years he spent my twenty first twenty second and twenty third birthday with twenty fourth recently past and he wasn't there and it felt different it felt like a part of me was missing because it was i still have all of his clothes and pictures literally anything he used i know it sounds obsessive but he knew how to have me obsessed his touch and his kiss could make me go from angry to happy or sad to glad he knew how to change a mood wether it was with saying a dumb joke or just messing with me until i gave in he was my reason to push one deserves what happened to him no one deserves to be shot down like an animal especially not keith i miss him so much i would give my life to just see him again and tell him how much i love him i need him here i love him so much

y/n broke down crying and ashley walked up to her taking her back to her seat and she laid her head in her lap still crying while ashley rubbed her shoulder and other people went up talking


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