part 13

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Vallyk: so what do you girls do for fun
Y: anything a normal person would
Vallyk: wanna play the game
Y: sure
Vallyk: i don't have any girly games
Y: yea very sexist of you to think i only play girly games
Vallyk: what i didn't mean it like that
Y: chill i'm just joking
Vallyk: oh well don't do that you scared me
Y: you scared yourself

y/n walked to vallyks game and turned it on then they started playing games yelling at each other and laughing while making jokes after they got off the game vallyk wanted to make a handshake so y/n helped him out and they did it a few times over and over again until they finished then they started running around his house laughing and making messes after hours they ate then they started getting tired

Vallyk: you tryna spend the night or go home
Y: if it's ok i'll spend the night another day i got some i need to talk to derek about
Vallyk: ok

y/n called derek telling him she was ready then he said he was on the way so they sat in the living room until he got there and honked the horn

Vallyk: you know y/n you're actually pretty cool i thought you were just another lame ass girl
Y: thanks i guess i mean i thought you were just another fuck boy
Vallyk: see we both had our assumptions
Y: bye vallyk
Vallyk: bye y/n

they laughed then vallyk gave her a hug and she hugged him back before walking out the door and getting in dereks car the ride to y/ns house was quiet so she thought he was mad so she didn't say anything once they made it she was about to get out until he stopped her

Y: can i get out
Derek: we need to talk about what i said
Y: i thought you didn't want to talk since you ignored me this whole time
Derek: no i was just trying to put my words together in my head
Y: well i'm here so speak
Derek: when i said i loved you i meant it because i do you're different there's something about you that makes me want to stay near you all the time you make me smile and you make me happy so yes i do love you and i get it if you don't love me back i do because of my reputation bu-
Y: i love you too derek you know i do and i always will you changed my view on everyone and you changed my view on love yes i love you
Derek: all i needed was the first sentence

derek and y/n smiled then he pulled her to him kissing her after that they started making out until she climbed over the seat sitting in his lap still going he then put his hand on her butt massaging it before anything else happened y/n turned around seeing aya come outside crossing her arms and she laughed then kissed derek one more time before getting out the car

Aya: get your virgin ass back in the house
Y: not a virgin anymore
Aya: imma whoop your ass

aya chased y/n inside while she ran to her room then she jumped on the bed while aya hit her until she stopped and sat down

Aya: well i'm nosey so how was it
Y: amazing
Aya: ahhh now we can relate to something
Y: girl i'm gonna whoop your ass

y/n started hitting aya while she laughed and tried to move her arms away after they stopped they laid down laughing and going to bed until their mom came knocking on the door

Y: hmm
Y/m: it's right in the morning and your little friend is here
Y: who
Y/m: derek
Y: shit coming
Y/m: ok and watch your mouth

y/n quickly got up showering then throwing on a hoodie and sweat pants with a messy bun then she ran down downstairs going outside and getting in the car kissing derek and he kissed her back

Mike: well goodmorning to you too
Y: ugh goodmorning
Derek: well we're already late so y'all want breakfast
Vallyk: yes i want chick-fil-a
Y: yes what vallyk said

derek put the car in reverse then drove to chick-fil-a getting them all food then they drove to school eating and walking in together then they went to the middle of the school talking and eating

Y: crap i need to get my books from my locker
Derek: ok

y/n went to her locker getting her books out then she closed it back and mattia walked up to her

Mattia: i haven't talked to you in a while
Y: yea i was starting to think you moved i couldn't see you in the halls
Mattia: nah i just got my schedule changed anything new with you
Y: well i got a boyfriend
Mattia: that's cute what's his name
Y: derek
Mattia: oh ok ok well if you ever wanna hang out don't forget you have my number
Y: i won't i'll see you around right
Mattia: of course

y/n nodded then put her lock back on and walked off going to the boys again she was slowly approaching when she heard them talking so she blended in with a few people so she could eavesdrop just for the hell of it

Vallyk: y/ns cool as fuck man
Derek: yea i know now give me my money
Mike: fine i just don't understand why you're still with her when you won the bet
Kobe: i agree with mike we all agree y/n is extremely pretty and cool but the bet was to take her virginity in a month you did it so what's the point in hanging around
Derek: i don't know man she's different and i think i love her


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