part 4

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Derek: yea you're right come on let's get to class

the boys walked off going to their classes then the rest of the day went by normally once school was over y/n saw derek in the parking lot with the boys and she jogged to him

Y: derek can i talk to you real quick
Derek: yes

derek walked away from the boys and to y/n turning their back to them

Y: i'm sorry for walking off on you
Derek: no it's fine i'm sorry for what i said
Y: it's just that my dad passed when i was four and so sometimes i get a little sensitive when people bring him up i hope i didn't make you feel some kind of way
Derek: hey you don't got to explain to me my dad isn't in my life either
Y: he died too
Derek: might as well have i don't even know who he is i've never met him
Y: oh sorry
Derek: don't be it's not like i miss him you can't miss someone you've never even seen
Y: yea i guess you're right
Derek: so uhh if it's not too fast will you do the honor of letting me take you on a date tomorrow night
Y: yea why not
Derek: alright i'll pick you up by seven pm
Y: it's a date

y/n smiled then walked off while derek lightly jogged off to the boys

Kobe: so when you getting in there
Derek: soon boys soon i'm taking her on a date tomorrow night
Mike: that don't sound like fucking come on you better not be catching feelings
Derek: i'm not i can't just meet her and the next day fuck her that's not how girls work now and days dumb ass
Vallyk: exactly mike we already established she isn't one of those prostitutes you hang with

everyone laughed at mike then got in their cars leaving while y/n was in walmart looking for things then she bumped into kobe knocking her things on the floor so she bent over picking it up

Kobe: shit let me help

kobe bent down helping y/n then once they stood up he handed everything to her

Kobe: oh you're y/n from my first block
Y: yea and your kobe
Kobe: in the flesh
Y: cocky wouldn't expect anymore from your group
Kobe: yea don't hate the player hate the game
Y: how about i hate both
Kobe: haha you got jokes
Y: i got a thing or two
Kobe: so my boy derek how you liking him

when kobe asked y/ns face started turning red so she looked down at her feet

Y: he's sweet
Kobe: so you like him
Y: i mean i don't know i guess
Kobe: well he likes you but don't tell him i told you that
Y: does he really
Kobe: of course anyways this is completely off topic but what's your body count
Y: um nothing i'm a virgin
Kobe: oh ok imma get going i'll see you in class
Y: yea of course tell derek i said hey
Kobe: will do

y/n walked off paying for her things and going home while kobe went to dereks house knocking on his door and when he opened it he dapped him up then kobe went in dapping up mike and vallyk

Kobe: guess who i bumped into at the store
Vallyk: who
Kobe: y/n
Mike: oh shit what she say
Kobe: she thinks she likes derek
Mike: damn she got attached fast
Kobe: she was blushing like a fucking tomato so i told her derek likes her back
Derek: why would you tell her that
Kobe: so she'd give it up
Derek: oh ok
Kobe: but that's where the hard part comes in
Vallyk: what hard part
Kobe: man she's a virgin
Derek: what
Kobe: yes bruh
Derek: then pick another girl i'm not taking her virginity
Mike: what why not
Derek: virgins always get obsessed with their first it's a proven fact
Vallyk: well then you'll have your own personal sex doll
Kobe: a bets a bet you can't step out now
Derek: fine fuck it man i'm hoping she gives it up soon the sooner i get rid of her the better

they kept talking while at home y/n was in her kitchen with her mom

Y/m: well how old is he
Y: i don't know i'm gonna ask tomorrow on our date
Y/m: ooo a date so i might get grand babies soon
Y: no mom i'm still a virgin
Y/m: i have a better chance of getting grand babies from aya at this point
Y: haha very funny

y/ns mom laughed then kissed her on the head and she just rolled her eyes and walked upstairs going into her room and laying down on her bed facetiming isa

Isa: hey bitch
Y: hey whore guess what
Isa: you had laid
Y: jeez no i got a date tomorrow
Isa: what with who
Y: derek
Isa: trendz
Y: yup
Isa: y/n
Y: i know what you say about him but he's really sweet isa
Isa: yea sweet until he gets in your pants
Y: you're being overdramatic and i like him so it's my decision
Isa: don't say i didn't warn you
Y: yea yea i know

isa and y/n kept talking until she hung up so she put her phone on the charger and got up getting in the shower while she was in there she heard her phone ringing so she got out going to her phone and answering then setting it up while she got back in the shower

Derek: um why am i looking at a steamy wall
Y: i'm in the shower

when y/n said that she squinted her eyes and prayed he wouldn't say the normal fuck boy statement

Derek: oh i didn't mean to interrupt your private time
Y: no it's fine

y/n smiled at his response then she kept talking to him until he got quiet so she assumed he hung up so she shrugged and sung to herself then got out


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