part 30

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they played with nadia really just getting on her nerves trying to see how'd she react just to see if she'd make a good addition then after a while they went into a huddle without nadia and started talking

Isa: she gone catch this fucking work i swear
Y: bitch you made nearly twenty slick comments
Isa: if the bitch can't handle being called a bitch then the bitch needs to go somewhere else
Ayaina: maybe you just have a problem with calling people a bitch
Isa: bitch no i don't
Y: yea you do and anyways i think she'll make a good addition she's nice and she makes vallyk happy they're cute together
Isa: i'm starting to think the boys have a fetish for girls with curly hair
Ayaina: now that's the first thing you said that i can agree with
Y: even so we're talking about nadia right now so what do y'all think is she good or not
Isa: she's good but i don't think i trust her yet
Y: alright we can work with that so until we can trust her then she's nothing more than an acquaintance
Ayaina: alright

they moved from their huddle and sat back down looking at nadia making her a little scared that they were gonna jump her or some so she got up going back to vallyk and they smiled at her then y/n pulled out her phone going on instagram

they moved from their huddle and sat back down looking at nadia making her a little scared that they were gonna jump her or some so she got up going back to vallyk and they smiled at her then y/n pulled out her phone going on instagram

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liked by trendzphobic and 901638 others
unofficial.y/n: someone drown me in hugs and kisses please and thank you *cough cough*

supporter: damn he's fine asf
unofficial.y/n: ikr i love my personal seat^^
supporter: oop^^
trendzphobic: then come on the bed
unofficial.y/n: or come on the floor with me^^
ayainasarchives: so cute imma kms
unofficial.y/n: when??^^
ayainasarchives: smd^^
whoslimedupmike: we don't wanna see y'all kiss
unofficial.y/n: then get out of my room^^
whoskbreezo: free movie ifykyk
unofficial.y/n: ...jail^^
vampmttia: peasant
unofficial.y/n: damn shawty don't do me like that^^
vamphnter: he's sorry shawty^^
brycelovesricee: chile the ghetto^^
*load 9853 more comments*

after y/n made the post she sat on her phone a little longer then when she finally put it down derek got off the bed and sat next to her hugging her and kissing her all over her face making her laugh and smile then she got on him kissing him over and over again while he smiled and wrapped his arms around her back

Derek: i love you
Y: i love you too

derek and y/n just looked at each other smiling until mike threw a shoe at her back at she turned around just staring at him

Mike: you know if looks could kill i'd be dead 
Ayaina: she's gonna murder you
Isa: mike always ruining shit
Kobe: right i'm tryna get a free movie
Isa: ok we're leaving before i have to kill kobe's horny ass
Vallyk: see y'all at school tomorrow
Y: alright

vallyk did his handshake with y/n then he hugged her and walked out and she hugged everyone else then she looked back down at derek

Y: can you spend the night with me
Derek: is mama ok with that
Y: i don't know go ask for me
Derek: aight i'll be back ok
Y: ok imma go shower

y/n kissed derek then she got up walking into the bathroom while derek went downstairs knocking on y/ms door and when she answered he walked in sitting on her bed

Y/m: hey sweetie
Derek: hey mama
Y/m: what's up
Derek: can i spend the night
Y/m: yea of course you can you don't ever have to ask whenever you want just come inside
Derek: i think i deserve a key
Y/m: me and you both i'll get you one ok
Derek: alright thank you
Y/m: you're so welcomed anyways good night love you
Derek: love you too mama

derek walked out closing the door behind him then he went into y/ns bathroom getting undressed and getting in with her massaging her scalp making her turn around

Y: so
Derek: yea mama loves me
Y: sure she does
Derek: she does no need to hate
Y: yea whatever helps you sleep at night loser
Derek: well i'm hoping tonight it'll be you
Y: aww it's not every night
Derek: the nights i'm not with you i'm thinking about you and the nights i am with you i'm thinking about you so yes it's every night
Y: glad to know

derek placed one hand on y/ns back pulling her to him and he put the other on her neck kissing her and she put one hand on the back of his head and one on his chest kissing back then she hopped on him wrapping her legs around his waist putting both her arms behind his head and he had his on her thighs after a while they were on her bed with y/n laying down on top of derek with the cover over them

Derek: you're truly so perfect
Y: and you're officially the best guy i could ever ask for
Derek: do you have to go this summer
Y: baby
Derek: i know but i'm gonna miss you so much you're gonna be gone for a week
Y: and i'll be with you for three months i think that's enough time babe
Derek: yea but a week and three months is better
Y: listen i love you and i'm not gonna do anything in florida besides have a good time you'll stay on my mind i promise and i'll even take some of your hoodies with me
Derek: will you wear a necklace with my name
Y: sure if that makes it better
Derek: will you wear baggy pants and a long sleeve shirt the whole time
Y: now that i won't do but the rest yea

derek and y/n laughed then she rested her head on his bare chest and fell asleep


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