part 70

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once everything was out they dumped the flour into bowls and threw in the other ingredients then derek dipped his finger in the batter and rubbed it on y/ns lip then he kissed her and licked it off his lips so she did the same thing

Y: that's actually pretty good
Derek: it sure is

after that they poured it into the cupcake pans then put them in the oven waiting a few minutes later they were done so they pulled them out of the oven and let them cool then they started decorating them and derek iced one of them then smooshed it on y/ns face making her smile

Y: mhm you swear this is funny
Derek: no it's not it's hilarious
Y: hilarious right

y/n grabbed a cupcake icing it then she rubbed it all over dereks face

Derek: i'm loving the acne i can feel it forming
Y: is it tasty
Derek: oh no it's delicious best i've ever had
Y: glad to hear that

after a while they were constantly throwing it on each other until y/n went to her room grabbing a water gun and filling it up then she chased derek around the house with it spraying him while he laughed and ran faster until he went into the kitchen filling a cup full of water then he threw it on her and she laughed wiping her face then she wagged her hair back and forth purposely getting it all over him then he picked her up and carried her up the stairs and when they made it to their room he laid her down on the bed and started tickling her

Y: no no not again stop my bladder isn't the same anymore
Derek: that's very unfortunate for you
Y: stop right now before i punch you derek
Derek: good thing that's not my name
Y: baby stop i'm gonna fucking pee myself and i'm going to murder you

derek stopped and y/n caught her breath then sat up punching his shoulder while he laughed then he got on the bed sitting down next to her

Derek: that's the smile i love to see
Y: i should stop smiling
Derek: you always smile around me
Y: sadly
Derek: sadly wow ok
Y: i'm joking i love you
Derek: mhm
Y: aww

y/n grabbed dereks face kissing him over and over again making him smile then he kissed her back

Derek: if can't stay mad at you was a person it would be me
Y: that's why you're my favorite person
Derek: i love you more than you'll ever know
Y: i love you too

after that they talked for a few more hours until the sun went down then they showered and dried off afterwards they got dressed and laid under the cover turning on the tv and went back to having deep conversations

Derek: have you ever noticed when you get out in the real world it's like you have to figure out everything by yourself without anyone's help and you know you can't do it
Y: yea but thinking you can't do it is all just in our heads
Derek: but i feel like people look at me and know that i'm not cut out for anything i'm doing
Y: when someone first sees you they're already gonna have an opinion about you in their head but you can't let that get in your head too
Derek: it's different when you have a way to prove them wrong but i don't have a way
Y: yes you do you have many ways
Derek: what ways
Y: you can prove them wrong by doing better than them show anyone who thinks they're better than you that you're more successful then they could ever be
Derek: you're right 
Y: aren't i always
Derek: so a year from now i planned a trip with us and the group
Y: the baby will be only four months
Derek: that's old enough
Y: what is the trip for
Derek: to get out and have fun you deserve it because you do everything for everyone and i'm so proud of you
Y: that actually means a lot to hear
Derek: i'm always gonna be there to make you feel good
Y: maybe it's just me but baby that doesn't sound right
Derek: oh you know what i meant though
Y: yes i did
Derek: so what's something that bothers you
Y: feeling like one day everyone will see how boring i am and leave
Derek: what you're not even boring
Y: but i feel like everyones gonna leave me it's like when i get close to someone i feel good that i'm making a new friend then someone else comes along and it's almost as if they forget i ever existed
Derek: you make such a huge impact on people's life i doubt they can just forget about you
Y: can i tell you a secret
Derek: yea
Y: well i had a friend and we were the inseparable we were everyone's dream duo then another one came along and we all became the unstoppable trio until they started hanging out without me and when i would walk with them i'd be in the grass or i'd stop walking to see what they would do and they wouldn't even notice so i told them i didn't want to be their friend anymore and turned out they were talking about replacing me the whole time behind my back so i stopped being friends with people so i wouldn't have to feel that pain anymore
Derek: one bad experience shouldn't stop you from finding better ones everyones different and some
don't have your worst interest at heart some only want the best for you
Y: and what do you want for me
Derek: for you to marry someone i'm the someone by the way
Y: i hate you
Derek: now that's a lie and we know it
Y: and how do you know that
Derek: because if you hated me you wouldn't be laying on me
Y: fair point


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