part 89

516 30 20

Derek: i miss you y/n and i really want us to be back together
Y: let me guess you want me back after you saw jadens post
Derek: fuck that post i wanted you back before that it wasn't hard to see i literally begged you more times than i can count to take me back
Y: and what were my answers
Derek: no
Y: so what makes you think this time is any different
Derek: because maybe this time you'll see i actually changed
Y: ok ok what happened the last time i thought you changed
Derek: y/n
Y: exactly so why would i fall for the same thing twice
Derek: you're not gonna fall for anything i'm serious
Y: that's crazy
Derek: can you just listen
Y: i've been listening this whole time
Derek: what can i do to make it better
Y: go back in time and don't do it
Derek: i can't do that
Y: and i can't forgive you

y/n turned around walking back into the house and talking to everyone again then soon the party ended and y/n didn't feel like taking down the decorations and valentina fell asleep so y/n walked upstairs giving her a small bath then dried her off putting her in some of her comfy pajamas then laid her down giving her a kiss and after that she turned off her lights walking out and as soon as she turned around she almost bumped into derek so she looked up at him and rolled her eyes about to walk off until he grabbed her hand

Y: didn't the last time you did that i started hitting you so why do you keep doing it
Derek: because it's the only way to get you to stop walking away from me
Y: if i'm walking away from you then obviously i don't want to talk to you
Derek: did you get my instagram post notification
Y: no i turned them off the day you ch-
Derek: the day i cheated i get it can you just look

y/n rolled her eyes once again and pulled her phone out of her pocket looking at the post

liked by fairybabyash and 7628353 others derektrendz: i was wrong i know it's probably too late but i'm want to apologize anyways i was a damn fool for the things i did and i won't do it again i just want you back and i miss going to parties with ...

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liked by fairybabyash and 7628353 others
derektrendz: i was wrong i know it's probably too late but i'm want to apologize anyways i was a damn fool for the things i did and i won't do it again i just want you back and i miss going to parties with you and watching you dance and taking care of you after because you're a borderline alcoholic i miss all of that so can you please come back to me

isa.bailes: y/ns going to kill you^^
n_u_p_u_r: it's ok i forgive you
ayainarandolph: shut up you ugly dusty stank pussy ass bitch he was eating straight fish from a fucking seafood boil you probably got stds^^
aaayyyaaaa._: YOU WENT IN^^
therealslimedupmike: i just feel like you should move on shouldn't have cheated
tatyanahbass: bby i love you but how are you gonna talk when you cheated too^^
mattiapolibio: it's her not liking or commenting for me face it you lost LMAO
*load 1987487 more comments*

y/n looked at the post reading the caption then she looked at the comments and when she saw ashley's she smiled and thought "i'm gonna kill that bitch" then she looked up at derek and her smile faded away

Derek: forgive me please
Y: one i'm not a borderline alcoholic and two what makes you want me back now
Derek: one let's agree to disagree on that one

y/n caught herself smiling at what derek said but she shook it off and made a straight face again

Derek: and two i want you back because i miss you when i go to sleep by myself with no one on me or next to me i miss you or when i shower by myself and go to stores by myself all of that i just want you to come back to me please
Y: i'm so tired of fighting for a relationship that i feel like i'm only putting effort into
Derek: and i'll never let you feel like that again and i may not know a lot of things but know you're my soulmate and i don't want to be with anyone but you i need you y/n please
Y: i told you no once today i'm not gonna keep telling you
Derek: well you're gonna have to tell me no everyday because i'm not going to stop asking
Y: i've been telling you no for how many months now
Derek: ehh two but that doesn't matter
Y: derek it's getting tiring telling you no everyday like i've literally told you no one hundred twenty times to be exact because i tell you no twice a day
Derek: ok your point is
Y: you're gonna give me a headache one day
Derek: and you'll very much live
Y: why can't you just live with my answer being no
Derek: because then i have to live with you being with someone else and i'll have to move on and i'd rather be stabbed to death before i let that happen
Y: well whenever you're ready to let me stab you to death let me know
Derek: no bruh
Y: wow we sound like twins now
Derek: very funny
Y: nah actually the joke is kinda old i wish it would stop
Derek: i'm not gonna stop
Y: and i'm not gonna stop saying no
Derek: well looks like we gone be some repeating ass mother fuckers
Y: goodnight derek
Derek: goodnight baby
Y: we're not together
Derek: not yet
Y: not never
Derek: don't dream about me sexy
Y: i won't
Derek: oh but you will

y/n continued walking off while derek smiled then walked into his room and she went into ashleys room laying in between her and vallyk

Vallyk: man you're a cockblocker
Ashley: a sexy one
Y: exactly

vallyk rolled his eyes and turned away falling asleep while y/n stayed up telling ashley about what just happened and hitting her for her comment


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