part 10

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derek looked at vallyk shaking his head then they walked off while y/n and the girls continued shopping they shopped until they had nearly twenty bags each so they put them all in y/ns car then they got in themselves and y/n started up the car before driving back to her house when they made it they all went into her room trying on their things and seeing how it looked on them then derek called while y/n was trying on a bra that she didn't know if she liked so she set the phone up

Y: where's the boys
Derek: at the store
Y: oh ok does this look right
Derek: it looks perfect
Y: are you sure i feel likes it's too plain
Derek: nah i like it makes your skin glow
Y: thank you
Derek: don't question the things you wear you look beautiful in anything
Y: nothing wrong with a little questioning
Derek: it's wrong if it's you not seeing how perfect you look in any and everything
Y: so sweet
Derek: only for you

y/n smiled then she took the bra off putting on her regular one then slipping a shirt on

Derek: you do know you did that in front of me
Y: yea i know but i trust you
Derek: you trust me with your body
Y: of course i don't have a reason not to
Derek: right exactly

derek started feeling a little guilty but he shrugged it off and kept talking to y/n until the boys came back from the store so he hung up and y/n just gave a weird look before she shrugged it off and continued putting clothes on after a while the girls left and it was just aya and y/n so they stayed up all night talking and laughing until derek text her "wanna eat sunday dinner with my family tomorrow you can bring your mom and sister" she agreed then told aya the plan after that she got up and told her mom also

Y/m: so i'll get to meet the lady that raised such a good young man
Y: yes ma'am you will please don't embarrass me
Y/m: i never embarrass you
Y: mhm good night mom

y/n walked out going back to her room picking out what to wear tomorrow but she couldn't find the perfect outfit so she started crying a few frustrated tears before she called isa

Isa: girly what's wrong
Y: derek wants me to properly meet his family tomorrow and i can't even find a fucking dress i'm freaking out because what if i wear something ugly and they hate me for the rest of my life
Isa: calm down they're not gonna hate you over an outfit
Y: please help me find a dress
Isa: fine show me your options and stop crying

y/n wiped her eyes then showed isa all of her options after that once they found a dress she thanked isa then hung up and showered then laid on her bed falling asleep until she woke up to her phone constantly buzzing so she picked up seeing it was derek and she answered

Y: hmm
Derek: good morning beautiful be here in thirty minutes
Y: ok see you then

y/n hung up then quickly put on the dress which was a white tight fitted dress with thin straps then she put on some silver heels with her diamond earrings after that she sprayed herself with perfume then laid her curls down properly then walked out going into the living room seeing her sister and mom already ready

Aya: about time you came down
Y/m: y/n it's a dinner girl not a fashion show
Y: it's one in my case i have to be dressed to impress
Y/m: whatever come on

they all walked out getting in her moms car and when they made it to dereks house they knocked and derek answered the door in a tux without the vest

Y: see it is a fashion show

y/ns mom laughed then derek let them in and led them to the dinner table and they all sat down talking and laughing while his mom soon put the plates down on the table in front of them after dereks mom talked to y/ns mom she soon started talking to y/n asking her question after question until she stopped and his mom shook her head

D/m: hmm i like this one
Y: well thank you
Derek: i like her too mom fall in line

everyone laughed while y/n looked at derek and he looked back at her smiling conversation and eating went on until everyone was done and they were just talking

Derek: can me and y/n be excused to my room
D/m: yes but leave your door opened
Derek: yes ma'am
Ahiella: i'm going to my room with aya i don't like girls so i'm closing my door

soon everyone left leaving just dereks and y/ns mom while they were downstairs y/n and derek were upstairs talking while y/n was in dereks lap with his arms wrapped around her back

Derek: i'm glad she likes you
Y: i'm glad she likes me too i almost had a panic attack picking out an outfit for today
Derek: you picked right because you look gorgeous
Y: thank you derek you look amazing

derek and y/n we're just looking at each other until they leaned in kissing each other then they started making out and derek leaned back on the bed so that y/n was now on top of him it continued like that until y/n took dereks tie off unbuttoning his shirt still kissing him after a while he put his hand under y/ns dress rubbing along the outline of her panties then he put his hand in until they heard someone coming upstairs so they quickly pulled away from each other fixing themselves up


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