part 63

678 33 18

they stayed laying down for a few more hours just talking until y/n went downstairs sitting at the table and getting on her phone while corey showered

Isa: good morning hoes
Celia: so you're finally being nice to me
Isa: huh oh no boy i wasn't even talking to you
Celia: who you calling a boy
Isa: obviously you anyways y/n how'd you sleep

isa said that dragging out the words while she moved her eyebrows then she winked making y/n let out a small laugh

Y: i slept good isa
Aya: you mean good or good
Y: what is up with y'all dragging out the ending words i slept good just the normal word no exaggerations
Ayaina: so you weren't in no weird positions
Y: no i was laying on my side
Isa: with one leg in the air
Y: no both legs on the bed laying down going to sleep
Derek: what are they talking about
Y: why do you care
Derek: because if it's what i think they are then they can cut that out right now
Y: boy bye

y/n got back on her phone scrolling through instagram until corey came down letting her know he was about to go so she walked him out to his car giving him a hug and he hugged her back

Y: thanks for yesterday it was nice
Corey: i enjoyed it too and if you want next time is at my place
Y: so there's a next time
Corey: i mean if you want
Y: yea i'd love a next time
Corey: ok so how'd you sleep
Y: i slept good thanks for asking how about you
Corey: it was good i had my own personal bear
Y: i mean something along the lines of teddy bear would've worked jeez i know i'm a lil heavy but gosh
Corey: you definitely knew what i meant this time
Y: yea i knew corey
Corey: alright i'll call you later
Y: i shall be waiting

corey grabbed y/ns waist with one hand and he placed the other one on her chin while she stood there looking at him

Corey: you're nervous it's cute
Y: i mean yea i am bu-

corey cut y/n off by kissing her and she kissed him back then once they pulled apart he looked at her smiling

Corey: see you later y/n
Y: yea you too

y/n stood there watching corey get in his car with a small smirk on her face then once he got in and drove off she walked inside sitting down

Aya: oh she's smiling
Isa: did he whisper some in your ear
Ayaina: did y'all have a quickie
Y: y'all are some serious
Isa: so did he at least kiss you
Y: yes isa
Aya: ooo next is making out
Ayaina: dick
Isa: new dick
Aya: new dick
Derek: can y'all shut up
Isa: someone's salty
Nadia: or maybe it's early and y'all are yelling
Ayaina: aye how his dick taste because you must be sucking and fucking as much as you stick up for him
Aya: for real like damn bitch shut up
Isa: all you do is yap yap yap
Aya: bitch close that trap
Cohen: so who is this mystery man
Y: his name is corey and he's nineteen
Derek: so you like old men noted
Y: he sure is a man because he acts like one and it's a one year difference cry baby
Isa: hopefully you can tell us some about him now
Y: he used to live in LA like us until he got a modeling gig here in new york so he finished high school here and two years and a half from now if everything works out he'll being going to nevada for a million dollar modeling contract
Ayaina: oh girl just say he's perfect
Y: but he has a crazy obsessed ex that his parents try to force him to marry
Aya: i mean he was close to perfect
Y: a crazy bitch ain't none i can't handle i drop bitches left and right maybe in front of me if celia or nadia is there
Nadia: what did i do
Y: i don't know but you close to catching this ass whooping your friend got cause you've been dickriding a lil too hard lately i'm starting to think you doing that shit for real
Vallyk: why would you say that knowing she's with me
Aya: oh shut your peanut head ass up
Isa: she probably cheating on you cause you cut your hair off
Ayaina: now she going to another lil boy with curls
Derek: ain't none little over here better ask your friend over there
Y: don't ask me shit cause i don't give a fuck community ass dick
Isa: tell him again bitch because i don't think he heard
Aya: nah he heard she said you got community dick
Ayaina: all of LA done been on your shit
Isa: bitch you got aids
Celia: don't talk to him like that
Y: hmm how do you feel about your community dick boyfriend
Celia: didn't you date him for a year though
Y: and he had community dick even then so what's your point exactly
Celia: then why date him
Y: because unlike you he actually took interest in me now i know that might hurt to see but babes you're nothing but i mere settlement
Ayaina: bitch you a down payment
Isa: a mother fucking rental property
Nadia: so what are y'all
Aya: the bitches your nigga be texting when you ain't around
Y: man don't make me pull out the messages cause i got some that'll make you hoes mad
Mike: chill out bruh
Kobe: for real don't expose us like that
Y: they're joking
Celia: yea you are too you don't got no messages
Y: you really think i dated derek for a year and don't have any messages that'll piss you off yea aight
Celia: you don't

y/n looked at the girls then back at celia and went to the messages between her and derek then she showed celia and watched her facial expression change

Y: bitch talk to me nice


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