part 6

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y/n woke up the next day at eleven am so she got in the shower getting cleaned then she got out getting dressed in a all black crop top with white jean shorts and checkered vans then she sat on the bed waiting for derek to text once he did she said bye to aya and she walked outside getting in his car

Derek: good morning beautiful
Y: good morning
Derek: are you hungry
Y: starving
Derek: ok where do you wanna go eat
Y: surprise me
Derek: alright

derek backed out of the driveway then he went to chick-fil-a and got them breakfast after that he drove them to his house and they got out talking and drinking their drinks and walking inside going to his room and sitting on his bed

Derek: what time do you wake up for school
Y: seven
Derek: alright well if you want i can pick you up in the morning
Y: you don't have to be but yea that'd be nice
Derek: i'm gonna warn you i also pick up the boys in the morning and they're always rowdy
Y: it's fine i hate being quiet in the morning anyways
Derek: yea you're gonna fit right in

y/n laughed and her and derek just kept talking and watching movies until derek put his hand on her bare thigh gently massaging it she didn't think much of it until he started rubbing her thigh up an down then she looked at him and he looked back at her until they both leaned in kissing each other derek waited a few seconds before he started making out with her and she followed his lead they were like that for three minutes until derek tried to put his hand down her pants and she pulled away

Derek: i'm sorry i don't know what i was thinking i-
Y: no um it's fine i just rather lose my virginity to someone i'm dating
Derek: that's fine i can understand that i promise
Y: don't get me wrong i'd love for this to happen maybe if i wasn't a virgin but my virginity is like a sense of self control for me
Derek: hey you don't have to explain to me i get it
Y: how'd you um lose yours
Derek: well it was sophomore year i lost it to my girlfriend she initiated it and i just followed along
Y: was it scary

derek laughed thinking y/n was playing then once he looked at her she just crossed her arms and looked off a little embarrassed for asking

Derek: i'm sorry i thought you were joking but i mean yea i was nervous of course i thought a bunch of shit could and would go wrong but after a while i just went with the flow and everything was perfectly fine
Y: what about going down
Derek: you mean giving head
Y: well yea
Derek: i mean it's just all in the mind focus on the vital points i guess
Y: where's your vital point
Derek: you have a lot of questions
Y: i mean i don't know anything about this kind of crap and i just figured you'd know a lot about it because you know
Derek: my reputation as a fuck boy yea i know
Y: well i wasn't going to say it like that
Derek: it's fine you're not the first person to think it and you won't be the last
Y: i didn't hurt your feelings did i
Derek: no of course not you're fine
Y: ok uhh let's change the subject
Derek: yea sounds like a good idea

they laughed then continued talking about anything and getting to know each other then derek got a message from the boys saying they'll be over in thirty minutes

Derek: i gotta help my mom with a few things in like thirty minutes so are you ready to go
Y: yea i need to go clean my room anyways shits a mess
Derek: felt you on that one
Y: oh please i'd die for my room to look as clean as yours

derek smiled then they walked out the door getting in his car and driving to y/ns house once they made it she kissed him and he kissed back then she got out the car walking to the door but before she walked in he rolled down the window and yelled

Derek: the tip
Y: huh
Derek: that's my vital point

y/n shook her head smiling and derek smiled back then drove off going to the house once he made it he walked in and the boys were inside chilling on the couch once they saw him they all went to his room and he closed the door behind them sitting on the bed

Kobe: we said we'd be here where were you
Derek: taking care of something
Mike: wait did you do it
Derek: nah it was some else
Vallyk: awe man is it just me or does it smell like perfume in here
Mike: nah i smell it too
Derek: um it was just another girl i had in here
Kobe: you supposed to be focusing on y/n
Derek: i am but i gotta get some on the side too
Vallyk: i feel you
Mike: man i'd be impatient as fuck trying to get with her that ass would drive me crazy
Vallyk: man she do got some ass on her
Derek: don't talk about her like that
Mike: jeez man calm down
Kobe: don't tell me you're starting to like the bitch
Derek: she's not a bitch for one and i just think respect is a thing that should be given to people that's it
Mike: how you get pussy whipped but ain't getting none

the boys laughed and derek rolled his eyes walking out the room and sitting down in the living room

Ahiella: hey bro what's on your mind
Derek: a lot of shit
Ahiella: i got all day so speak

Ahiella: hey bro what's on your mind Derek: a lot of shitAhiella: i got all day so speak

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