part 35

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y/n was crying so much she didn't pay attention to where they were going but once she looked up she saw they were at a fair so she looked at derek

Y: baby no not now
Derek: after we leave here and you're by yourself then you'll have all the time in the world to cry and be sad but whenever you're with me i'm gonna make sure you're smiling so come on out the car or i'll pick you up and take you out either one works for me
Y: fine i'm coming

y/n got out the car standing there and derek walked to her wiping her eyes and kissing her and even though she was sad she kissed back then he grabbed her hand walking inside while she dragged along behind him then he pulled her forward and she started walking normally once they made it inside they walked to a game and derek stood next to y/n

Derek: ok i'm gonna win you something to make you smile ok
Y: what if i don't smile
Derek: then i'll tickle you until you do so your choice
Y: ok i'll smile but i want that one
Derek: ok

derek started playing the game while y/n watched then once he won he handed it to her and she looked at it smiling it was a panda bear with its arms out wide enough to lay in them

Derek: that bear better not replace me
Y: he won't i promise
Derek: thank you for smiling
Y: thank you for making me smile
Derek: i'll do anything for you because i love you
Y: i love you too baby
Derek: now before i kiss you we have a bone to pick
Y: why what did i do
Derek: you didn't move in with me
Y: we're not even allowed to be in the same room together alone
Derek: aya could've slept in a different bed in the same room then we wouldn't be alone
Y: well i didn't think of that sorry
Derek: mhm

y/n smiled then derek kissed her and she kissed him back then they stayed like that and started making out for a minute or two until they pulled and rested their foreheads on each other's smiling

Derek: never break my heart please
Y: what makes you say that
Derek: it's just i realize i'm so attached to you and i don't want to lose you ever i promise that i'll do whatever it takes to make you happy and i won't let anyone or anything stop me from being near you and loving you and i was gonna give this to you earlier but you kinda got into a fight but yesterday made me realize that i'll do anything to stay with you and see you because you mean the world to me i've never done this before so it's a little nerve wrecking but i'll do anything for you so take this as my promise to always make you laugh and smile and be by your side no matter what happens between us
Y: ugh i love you so fucking much

derek put the ring on her finger then y/n jumped on him kissing him and he kissed her back holding her thighs while she had the bear in her other arm then she pulled away kissing him a few more times before hopping down and just hugging him

Y: it's so pretty
Derek: glad you like it
Y: how'd you know my ring size
Derek: not that hard to get it since we're always around each other
Y: fair point
Derek: whew the stress of picking a good one was crazy i had no help
Y: i would've thought it was good anyways because it came from you
Derek: yea but at least this time you won't have to lie like it's good you're not lying are you
Y: no baby i'm not lying
Derek: ok good
Y: about what you said do i really mean the world to you
Derek: duh
Y: i'm being serious asshole
Derek: yes y/n you mean the world to me you always have and now sadly you always will
Y: sadly um fuck you too then

y/n hit dereks arm making him laugh then he bent down to her size

Derek: i'm kidding
Y: i know derek
Derek: not my name but we'll let it slide for now

y/n shook her head smiling then derek kissed her and stood all the way back up grabbing her hand and walking to the others who were sitting at the food court

Isa: look who finally decided to come back
Y: suck my dick
Kobe: oh you got her to be normal again
Mike: yay us
Y: not too much
Ayaina: anyways glad to see you not crying
Y: yea you'll never see that again shits cringy
Vallyk: so what made you smile
Derek: me duh
Kobe: awe shit y'all fu-
Y: no you perv we did not
Isa: what's that
Y: oh the promise ring he just gave me
Ayaina: aww
Isa: babe when am i gonna get a promise ring
Kobe: whenever i plan on staying with you

isa didn't hear what kobe said but y/n did so she kicked his leg under the table and he looked at her

Kobe: soon baby soon
Nadia: so what's next for you and y/n
Derek: marriage then kids or kids then marriage whichever comes first
Y: yea let's hope it's the first one
Derek: ehh i'm fine with either
Y: i bet you are
Nadia: um do the girls want to spend the night at my house we can talk about the boys and what not
Y: i heard talk about the boys so i'm down
Derek: but i'm so good to you bum
Y: i never said i was gonna talk bad about you idiot
Ayaina: man i got some things i wanna say
Mike: damn
Isa: our answer is yes nadia
Derek: well in that case me and the boys are having one
Y: in that case let's get going


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