part 34

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Y: fuck you and your rules i'm not breaking up with him and he can come whenever he please
Y/m: break up with him or i'll call the cops
Y: call them you're just gonna look dumb i'm past the age of consent so what are you gonna say
Y/m: say that he raped you and you're too scared to admit it
Y: you're fucking crazy i'll gladly show them that he had my consent and shit if i have to i'll show them that he still does you can't control what i do you always say one thing but mean another make up your damn mind
Y/m: so you really thought i actually wanted my seventeen year old daughter to have sex
Y: i honestly don't care what you meant it's my life not yours you had your time to control me and what i did you lived a happy life with dad but now that he's gone you feel like you have to force me to do whatever you say and not make the same mistakes you did i'm not like you mom and i never will be let me live and stop thinking you can always have a say in what i do i'm my own person not your damn puppet
Y/m: i gave birth to you how dare you speak to me like that
Y: yea you gave birth to me but there's more to being a mom than that and obviously you have no idea what the rest is
Y/m: i'm done arguing with you go to your room now
Y: no i-
Y/m: i said go now

y/n stormed off going into her room slamming the door as hard as she could and locking it then her mom made the others leave and walked to y/ns door knocking

Y/m: come out and talk to me
Y: shut up and leave me alone

y/n started blasting music to drown out her moms talking then she fell asleep as hours and hours past y/n woke up to her mom banging on her door she just rolled her eyes and got in the shower getting cleaned then she got dressed and did her hair after that she saw dereks car outside waiting for her so she left out her window and got in the car with him closing the door as he drove off

Y: stressful night
Derek: even stressful morning
Y: yup what happened to you
Derek: your mom called my mom
Y: how'd that go
Derek: terrible i'm not aloud to be in a room with you by myself anymore
Isa: the fuck is this romeo and juliet
Y: please shut up today is not the day for me i'm literally about to explode on the first bitch to say anything to me
Isa: jeez yes ma'am

the rest of the car ride was quiet then once they made it to school they got out the car all walking in together when celia purposely bumped into y/n making her phone fall

Y: celia don't try me today
Celia: aww are you mad your mom won't let you see derek because you're a hoe maybe i should encourage her to get a restraining order against him
Y: celia i'm telling you right now stop talking to me
Celia: or what y-

y/n punched celia in the face then grabbed her hair slamming her head on the ground then she got on her punching her over and over again until derek pulled her off but she still had her hand on her hair punching her head so the girls yanked celia back so y/n could lose her grip and once she did derek walked out in the parking lot with her then when they were far enough from the school he sat her down and the group came out with them and ayaina handed y/n her phone

Ayaina: girl
Y: no i don't want to hear shit i told that big mouth hoe she had one more time and she kept talking i'm so done being nice that shit doesn't get you no where maybe next time she'll learn to shut the fuck up speaking to me
Isa: ok maybe we shouldn't go to school today
Y: i'm not going home
Isa: move in with me
Y: yea you ain't gotta tell me twice

they all got in the car and drove to y/ns house and they all went in with her standing at the door while she went into her room packing all her stuff

Aya: are you moving
Y: yea i'm not staying here with mom anymore i'm sorry aya
Aya: let me come with you
Y: huh
Aya: i don't want to be here either so let me leave with you
Y: ok go pack

aya ran off packing then once they both finished they walked downstairs about to walk out until her mom said something

Y/m: and where do you think you're going
Y: away from here and ayas coming with me see i'm not the only one tired of your shit
Y/m: y'all aren't going anywhere aya is underage and so are you i'll call the cops
Y: mom at this point call them and maybe you'll shut the fuck up i don't care what you do if you wanna call them call them you really think it's that hard to make up a lie no all i gotta do is fake cry and put on some dumb ass makeup boom child abuse and you go to jail
Y/m: to think i took care of you for seventeen years
Y: congrats on doing your job as a mom
Y/m: you know it's your fault why your dad died you were too stubborn to even care about anyone and he was mad because i wouldn't talk to you about it that's why we were arguing it's all your fault
Y: it might be my fault he's gone but it'll never be my fault that you're a terrible mother you fucked our lives up and you can't even see that
Y/m: your dad would've stayed if he loved you more
Y: and i would stay if i loved you at all

after that y/n walked out with the others and they put their bags in his car then he drove off while y/n leaned her head on the door crying while derek reached over rubbing her back


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