part 33

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after that y/n got in mattias car with the boys and they started driving around

Mattia: maybe we should drive to florida
Y: that's a thirty six hour drive
Hunter: i mean it could be fun
Y: who's driving for thirty six damn hours
Mattia: we can take turns there's six of us so we can all drive six hours
Y: ugh fine
Bryce: oh bitch you'll live

y/n laughed and they all talked until mattia took y/n back home and she got out waving bye to the boys then she walked into her house seeing everyone and celia and she just rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen getting a bottle of apple juice and drinking it then sat down on the couch

Derek: who's jacket is that
Y: mattias
Derek: and why do you have that on
Y: because someone once said if i started to get uncomfortable they'd let me see their jacket and guess who lied because they gave it to someone else
Derek: because she was cold
Y: yea and i was uncomfortable but we see which one you cared about more
Derek: if you would've told me i would've took it from her and gave it to you
Y: or maybe you could've said oh i'm saving it for my girlfriend since i told her to wear this revealing ass shirt
Derek: if it was so revealing why'd you have it in your closet
Y: it was in my closet because it was a gift that i never fucking wore because it was too revealing
Derek: you could've said you didn't want to wear it
Y: i did and you told me i'd look good in it you dumb ass
Derek: well i'm sorry
Y: that doesn't mean shit to me

y/n got up walking upstairs and putting on a bra then changing her shirt and putting on shorts then she hung the jacket up on a hanger and put it in her closet and laid down on her bed watching tv and doing her school work

Derek: you know i don't like when you're mad at me
Y: i don't care you do and say dumb shit and it makes me mad
Derek: i'm sorry baby i should've stayed with you since i made you wear it or i should've given the jacket to you ahead of time
Y: yea you should've done one of them but you did neither so thanks for that
Derek: stop being mad at me i hate that
Y: i don't care i really don't

derek went to y/n kissing her on her lips over and over again and she just rolled her eyes not doing anything then he kept going making her smile so she grabbed the back of his head kissing back while she leaned against the bed frame sitting up and derek was in front of her with one hand on the bed supporting himself and one on the lower part of her back making her arch it then they started making out

Celia: ew
Mike: you wish that was you huh
Celia: no i don't actually
Isa: no need to lie it's ok you're jealous

y/n didn't notice they were there but derek did so he started shooing them away so ayaina locked the door then pushed everyone out closing it while y/n unbuttoned dereks shirt and took it off of him then he pulled her shirt off over her head and then unclipped her bra with one hand once it was off he threw it then went back to kissing her with one hand on her chest and one on her neck after a while he went down kissing her whole body then he pulled down all her bottom coverage and before anything else could happen there was a knock on the door and she rolled her eyes before throwing her shirt back on and pulling back up her panties and shorts then she waited for derek to get redressed then went to the door opening it

Y/m: hey your friends are in the living room
Y: yea mom i know
Y/m: so why are you and derek in here by yourselves
Y: just talking about an argument we had earlier
Y/m: this door needs to stay open and your legs need to stay closed
Y: i know mama
Y/m: don't let me find out anything is going on
Y: it's not can you go now
Y/m: you do know when i said i wanted grandkids i was just messing with you
Y: i know now go mama
Y/m: nah i don't trust you come in the living room
Y: ugh

y/n walked out the room going into the living room and derek followed behind her and they both sat down on the couch while y/ns mom sat down across from them staring pissing y/n off even more

Y: we're not gonna fuck on the couch in front of everyone you don't have to sit here
Y/m: and how would i know that
Y: i don't look like no damn pornstar so why would i
Y/m: what is wrong with you today
Y: you're just sitting her staring at me like you don't know who i am or something it's pissing me off
Y/m: the y/n i know wouldn't have worn the shirt she did or i wouldn't get told she was making out with a guy in my house
Y: yea we all know celias bitch ass told you that and i'll be eighteen in a month i can do what i want i'm not a damn child anymore
Y/m: as long as you're in my house then you will remain a virgin and listen to my rules
Y: well too damn late because i'm not a virgin i lost that shit three months ago
Y/m: and why am i just now hearing about this
Y: because i'm just now telling you
Y/m: derek get out of my house you are no longer welcomed here or your friends
Y: you can't tell them what to do they're not leaving
Y/m: i'm your mom and i forbid you to see derek ever again and if you do i'll make you break up with him my house my rules
Y: how the fuck am i never supposed to see him again and still remain a relationship with him
Y/m: you're right break up with him right now


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