part 7

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Derek: there's this girl
Ahiella: the one you brought home today right
Derek: one stop watching me but yea anyways i'm only supposed to be talking to her because of a bet
Ahiella: what kind of bet
Derek: a ten thousand dollar bet that if i get her to sleep with me then i win
Ahiella: why'd you agree to that
Derek: i don't know but she's a virgin and i-
Ahiella: you have to call off the bet you can't take her virginity over some stupid bet do you not see how messed up that is
Derek: i know it's messed up and that's one of the problems but the other is i'm starting to fall for her
Ahiella: well then date her but you need to drop this stupid bet don't play her
Derek: if i call off the bet i owe them each ten thousand i'm not throwing away thirty k
Ahiella: when you do this and she never talks to you again don't say i didn't warn you

ahiella got up walking away and derek let out a sigh then walked back upstairs going into his room and sitting down on the bed

Derek: i'm not going to but say for instance i start dating her does that automatically make me out of the bet
Mike: nope not until you finish
Derek: and if i don't
Kobe: then you owe all of us ten thousand dollars
Vallyk: and i don't want no check i want my shit in cash
Mike: right
Kobe: so i mean if you're starting to like her the-
Derek: no i'm not starting to like her
Mike: then you'll have no problem with finishing the bet

derek sighed then he just hung out with the boys as normal until they all left then he got in the shower just trying to drown away his thoughts but he kept thinking of y/n so he got out wrapping a towel around himself and sat the phone up then called her

Y: hey what's up
Derek: i missed seeing your face
Y: aww aren't you the sweetest

derek smiled then he continued talking to y/n while he got dried off and dressed then he stayed on the phone with y/n while she got showered and did the same thing after a while they were both laying down getting tired

Y: ok well i'm about to go to sleep so i'll see you tomorrow
Derek: wait no don't hang up go to sleep on the phone with me
Y: fine are you picking me up tomorrow though
Derek: i wouldn't miss a chance to see you so of course

y/n smiled then she closed her eyes falling asleep while she was sleep derek took a facetime phone then he smiled and laid down also when he woke up he heard the boys coming up to his room then they walked inside so he quickly sat up hanging up the phone

Kobe: why your phone sitting up
Derek: i don't know i was too tired yesterday to even think
Kobe: awe well come on we gotta get going
Derek: y'all need to sit in the back i got to pick someone up today
Mike: um ok

derek got up getting dressed then he let y/n know he was on the way and all the boys got in the car while they were yelling in the back seat and talking derek was getting nervous about what the boys would say to her once they made it to her house he honked twice then she came outside with a pink lace crop top and black ripped jeans with her white forces then she hopped inside

Kobe: man that's that perfume smell again

the boys looked up seeing y/n and they looked at derek before waving at her

Y: hey
Mike: you're y/n right
Y: yea you're mike aren't you
Mike: the one and only
Y: it's true what they say your friends are self absorbed

derek laughed then he put the car in reverse and drove to the school once they made it the boys walked in but derek stayed back with y/n

Derek: i told you they're loud
Y: yea they do have that
Derek: alright i'm gonna catch up with them are you good from here
Y: yea i'm good
Derek: don't forget i'm taking you home
Y: kinda hard to forget when you brought me here
Derek: right um today if you want we can go get ice cream or some if you're not busy
Y: yea i'm down
Derek: alright let's go before we're late
Y: ok

derek gave y/n a kiss and she kissed him back then he walked off to catch up with the boys while she walked inside by herself once she made it in she went to her locker finally figuring out how to work it then she grabbed her books and walked to the class going inside and taking her seat

??: excuse me i love your shirt where'd you get it from
Y: oh thank you i got it from target
??: it's so pretty
Y: thanks
Ayaina: i'm ayaina by the way
Y: i'm y/n
Teacher: stop talking before i give the both of you detention

they looked at the teacher then at each other and stopped talking after a while he gave everyone a paper to do then he sat back in his chair while he was doing whatever ayaina was rambling through her things

Ayaina: hey y/n do you got a pencil i can borrow
Y: yea i do one sec
Teacher: y/n and ayaina come get a detention slip i said no talking
Y: bu-
Teacher: no buts any further back talk and you can stay after school

y/n and ayaina got up rolling their eyes and went to teacher snatching the slip out of his hands and walking to detention taking a seat

y/n and ayaina got up rolling their eyes and went to teacher snatching the slip out of his hands and walking to detention taking a seat

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