part 59

711 36 19

when they made it they walked in y/n grabbed a basket walking inside it was one big store with multiple others inside so she went to sephora then to a clothing store buying some questionable dresses then she went to home depot buying couches for the room and pillows then while she was picking out what kind of drawer to get someone gently leaned on her head making her look up

Corey: must be destiny because i keep seeing you
Y: so what are you doing here
Corey: i would hope i'm shopping for decor for my house since i am in home depot
Y: you have the cute and clever part i'm starting to also see a sarcastic part
Corey: told you my personality is great but you've barely scraped the surface
Y: i'm starting to think that's a good thing
Corey: may i ask why you're here
Y: looking for things to put in my makeup room
Corey: makeup room for what you're beautiful
Y: thank you but there's nothing wrong with changing and dressing up every now and then
Corey: i guess you're right
Y: since you're here and i don't have no one else to ask i bought this dresses and i need an opinion on then
Corey: ok pull them out

y/n grabbed the bag handing her phone to corey to hold then she pulled the dresses out one by one and turned around showing each of them to him

Corey: they're beautiful when are you gonna wear them
Y: well before my stomach expands of course
Corey: i think they're really nice dresses
Y: i do too but i think they're a little much
Corey: you bought them might as well show out in them before it's too late of course
Y: wherever i wear them you're coming too then
Corey: i'm down but sadly i'll have to out do you
Y: are you now
Corey: yea i might come in my birthday suit
Y: you will not

y/n gently hit coreys arm making him laugh while she smiled

Corey: so what's the deal with you what's your story
Y: hmm i think i rather answer that question during a dinner of some sort
Corey: then let me take you out
Y: i'll think about it corey
Corey: i see you're playing hard to get
Y: i'm not playing

y/n walked off smirking while corey stood there smiling then he shook his head and walked off in the opposite direction once y/n paid for her things she went to find the girls and once she did she looked at the things they had

Y: dang y'all been doing some shopping
Isa: damn girl so have you
Y: well mainly talking bu-
Corey: you left this back there
Y: oh thank you
Corey: no problem i can't call you if you leave it everywhere
Y: so you plan on calling
Corey: i mean i would hope i didn't collect your number as a souvenir
Y: yes more sarcasm i see
Corey: i gotta add some spice to the cuteness thing i have going you know
Y: i might know some about that
Corey: see you have a sarcastic side as well
Y: not as much as you
Corey: so when are you gonna let me take you out
Y: well i don't want to die so never
Corey: you knew what i meant
Y: did i
Corey: yes indeed you did so can i want to take you out on a date
Y: why
Corey: to get to know you
Y: know what
Corey: you ask a lot of questions
Y: is that a bad thing
Corey: no i think it's a good thing you're cautious it's adorable
Y: so i went from beautiful to adorable nice
Corey: i think you're both so the question is still in the air not literally
Y: yes corey i'm free whenever
Corey: ok i say tomorrow seven pm
Y: alright
Corey: guess i should let you know i'm nineteen
Y: good i'm eighteen
Corey: well see you tomorrow don't stay up thinking about me too long
Y: it's definitely the other way around
Corey: you're right i'll try and go to sleep early
Y: you do that
Corey: don't stand me up
Y: now why would i do such a thing
Corey: you're gonna drive me crazy
Y: that's a good thing to me

corey smiled then walked off while y/n turned around seeing the girls looking at her

Y: what
Isa: who is that
Y: corey a guy i met today at the store when i went to get my strawberries
Ayaina: why didn't you tell us
Aya: maybe we should move back to LA because new york is changing you are you ok
Y: jeez i'm perfectly fine i just forgot to tell y'all because in case you forgot when i first got back home i was bombarded with questions because y'all thought i got freaking kidnapped
Isa: well tell us two things about him besides his name
Y: he's nineteen and he's tall
Isa: that's technically only one thing
Y: i'm not gonna know anything else until our date tomorrow
Aya: date
Ayaina: i heard date
Y: yes date
Isa: we're dressing you up
Y: no i'm good
Ayaina: too bad now come on i'm ready to go back home and lay down
Y: you always want to lay down
Aya: you should be wanting to lay down mrs pregnant
Y: and you should want to pick up a book mrs drop out
Aya: i'm transferring schools not dropping out
Y: same difference to me

aya rolled her eyes then they all walked out of the store and to the car putting all the bags in then y/n got in the drivers seat pulling off once they made it home they got all their bags out then while the girls walked inside going to their rooms y/n walked inside going to her soon to be makeup room

aya rolled her eyes then they all walked out of the store and to the car putting all the bags in then y/n got in the drivers seat pulling off once they made it home they got all their bags out then while the girls walked inside going to their room...

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the dresses^^

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the dresses^^


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