part 82

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while they were upstairs they were modeling the clothes for each other while valentina watched cartoons after all that they changed into their matching pajamas and sat down watching movies and talking then ashley laid her head on y/ns lap dozing off while valentina was now sleeping next to y/n the room and the house was quiet until they heard someone knocking on the door so she got up waking ashley up and walked downstairs opening the door

Y: oh hey what's up
Corey: i've been meaning to tell you this for a week now but i keep forgetting anyways there's a shoot i have tomorrow and i know it's late notice but i showed my manager some pictures of you and he wanted you to come in
Y: he wanted me
Corey: why do you sound so surprised do you not see how you look
Y: yea like shit
Corey: yea i should punch you for that anyways it's your choice but i don't think you should miss this opportunity so come in and at least check it out and if you don't like it then you can go but i think you'll like it a lot and you'll get to meet new people
Y: what time is it
Corey: seven am i know it's early but it's worth it
Y: sure i'll come
Corey: ok i'll send you the address when you get there just go through the front doors
Y: ok goodnight corey
Corey: goodnight y/n

y/n closed the door then turned around almost bumping directly into ashley

Y: damn bitch you scared me
Ashley: my bad i was being nosey
Y: yea i see that
Ashley: so are you excited your dream is finally coming true
Y: yea i'm excited but i'm also nervous as fuck
Ashley: ok how about we play twister then we find you an outfit for tomorrow
Y: sounds good

after that they walked upstairs getting out the game then laying it down and spinning the spinner by themselves until they were tangled up and laughing once valentina started moving they fell down trying to be quiet but y/n fell directly on top of ashley making their heads bump together

Y: ow fuck that hurt
Ashley: funny coming from the one on top

y/n got up pulling ashley up as well then they looked at each other before laughing then rubbing their heads when it started hurting

Y: ok maybe we should move on to the next safe task
Ashley: yea i agree with that

y/n and ashley started going through the new clothes they bought then they decided y/n was gonna wear one of her old black lace tops she had but instead of the black ripped jean shorts she was gonna wear her all white champion joggers after that y/n tried on the outfit in the bathroom then she came out showing ashley and she got up walking to y/n and straightening her top

Ashley: now it looks perfect
Y: are you sure
Ashley: yes girl you look beautiful
Y: thanks for you help
Ashley: of course

y/n turned around looking in the mirror while ashley stood there then she moved directly behind y/n so when she turned around their lips touched and she backed up

Y: my bad damn i knew you were close behind me but i didn't know you were that close
Ashley: no it's fine y/n
Y: you sure
Ashley: duh
Y: ok

y/n was about to move until she saw ashley was still standing there just staring at her so she was about to say something until ashley kissed her and y/n kissed her back then they moved apart

Y: i'm just gonna say it about damn time
Ashley: well i was gonna actually do it a while ago but i was like no maybe she's just joking about it and if i do it then she'll go on a rant about how she's not bi and she's with derek all that shit
Y: you're literally my best friend i wouldn't give you a rant and besides what derek and vallyk don't know won't hurt them
Ashley: see i like the way you think
Y: it's really the only way to think if you think about it
Ashley: nope i can only think one kind of way but now you're asking me to think another kind of way sorry i can't do that your words not mine
Y: hmm you got me there
Ashley: exactly

y/n and ashley laughed then y/n got dressed back into her pajamas and she picked valentina up taking her to her room and doing her night routine then she laid her in her bed and kissed her cheek before turning off her lights and walking out after that she went back into her room and saw ashley under her cover laying down watching another movie

Y: isn't vallyk gonna want to sleep with you
Ashley: yes and in more than one way and i just don't have the energy for that tonight that boy be trying to put me in positions that i never knew existed
Y: girl i did not need to know the second part
Ashley: but i'm serious like damn boy get my legs off the head board

y/n bust out laughing playfully hitting ashley then she laid down next to her and they started talking about weird positions the boys would put them in and they demonstrated them then they continued laughing until they heard someone walking up the stairs so they faked sleep holding in their laughs

Ahiella: oh she's sleep i wanted to surprise her
Aya: just surprise her in the morning i guess

when y/n heard ahiellas voice her eyes shot open and she got up running to her and giving her a huge hug

Ahiella: ok i missed you just as much but let go before you break me in half
Y: sorry but what brings you here all the way to new york what changed
Ahiella: mama found a boyfriend so i came here
Y: ok well you can sleep in here for tonight until we can buy you a bed and stuff for your room
Aya: i hear a sleepover
Ahiella: yay

ahiella and aya came in the room laying down on the bed while y/n laid back down next to ashley and they all talked until they fell asleep


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