part 16

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Y: fine only because you gave the money away
Derek: thank you
Y: you're welcome
Derek: so what y'all getting into
Y: having a movie night
Derek: let me and the boys come
Y: sure
Derek: bet we'll be over later
Y: ok see you then

derek walked off and y/n got in the car waiting for isa to stop talking to kobe and waiting for ayaina to stop talking to mike and when they didn't she honked the horn making them jump a little then they rolled their eyes before they got in and y/n started the car driving off

Y: the same girl saying kobe was the biggest fuck boy is the one all on him
Isa: man he has a way with words
Y: yea you're the one that needs to be worried
Isa: nah ayaina needs to i thought you hated mike
Ayaina: i mean hates a strong word i wish he never did what he did but he apologized
Isa: so basically we're all gonna be some dumb ass heart broken bitches
Y: i mean shit you and ayaina might y'all picked the worst two out of the group

they all laughed while y/n continued driving to her house when she made it they grabbed the bags then walked in as soon as they stepped in they noticed her mom wasn't home then they heard moaning so y/n went to ayas room knocking on the door

Cohen: shit
Aya: um coming one second
Cohen: past me my shirt
Aya: where's my bra fuck

y/n stood outside the door for five minutes until aya opened it leaning against the frame smiling

Y: y'all are coming in my room come on
Aya: bu-
Y: nope come on

aya huffed then walked into y/ns room with cohen following her then y/n followed behind both of them once they were all in her room she closed the door and turned on a horror movie pulling out the snacks then she went in the bathroom taking her bra off then lifting her shirt up wrapping the wrap around her tattoo once she finished she turned around seeing aya

Aya: y/n
Y: bruh if you tell mom i'm going to kill you
Aya: don't tell mom about what you heard and i won't tell about you tattoo
Y: i wasn't gonna tell anyways but deal
Aya: so can me and cohen go back in my room
Y: no turn back around and sit down

aya rolled her eyes and sat back down then y/n joined putting her hair in a messy bun then she threw on a pair of her nike pro shorts and grabbed a blanket putting it on her and started getting tired until there was a knock on the door so she sighed and got up going downstairs and opening the door then when she saw it was derek and the boys she hugged him and he hugged her back

Derek: i've never been in your house
Y: now you have come on

y/n turned around walking off and vallyk nudged derek

Vallyk: her ass fat
Derek: man chill the fuck out that's my girlfriend

derek walked off going upstairs and the rest of the boys followed when they got up there the girls were all laying with each other cuddling and y/n was in the middle with ayaina on the right and isa on left while aya and cohen were on the couch in y/ns room

Kobe: where are we supposed to lay
Isa: at the foot of the bed
Derek: y/n
Y: come lay on me

derek went in the middle getting under the cover then laying his y/ns chest while she played with his hair then the others laid at the foot of the bed they were all just talking and eating and watching the movie then they heard y/ns door open so they all turned their heads looking and seeing her mom but they all just looked away acting like they didn't see her

Y/m: hey derek how are you
Derek: i'm good
Y/m: hey ayaina isa and cohen
Cohen: hey
Ayaina: hey mrs y/l/n
Isa: hi
Y/m: y/n may i talk to you
Y: you know i'm pretty sure i'm in trouble so no you don't got to do that
Y/m: y/n
Y: fine coming mama

derek sat up allowing y/n to get up then she got off the bed going out the room and closing the door

Y/m: why are all these boys in my house
Y: they're dereks friends
Y/m: i asked why they're here not who they are
Y: they're here because they came with derek it's not like anything is going on we're just watching movies
Y/m: well the least they can do is introduce themselves when an adult comes in the room
Y: yea his friends aren't big on respect
Y/m: is derek big on respect
Y: of course mama or i wouldn't be with him
Y/m: tell his friends to introduce themselves then they can stay
Y: yes ma'am

y/n walked back in the room with her mom behind her and she told the boys to introduce themselves

Vallyk: i'm vallyk
Kobe: i'm kobe
Mike: and i'm mike nice you meet you ma'am
Y/m: hmm i like that one the best
Kobe: i'm the funny one
Y/m: what makes you so funny kobe
Kobe: i don't know i say dumb things and people laugh you know it's one of my many tricks
Vallyk: um i'm vallyk
Y/m: yea i know vallyk
Y: ok you met them now can you please go they're not gonna do anything
Y/m: let them know i have pepper spray
Y: mama
Y/m: fine derek don't forget about my grand babies
Y: mama leave you're embarrassing me
Y/m: ok ok i'm leaving

y/ns mom walked out and y/n sighed closing her door and going back in her spot with her face red


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