part 71

646 33 9

after that y/n and derek laid down falling asleep but they woke up to the door downstairs slamming shut so they got up looking at each other and yawning

Derek: here we go again
Y: yup let's go

derek and y/n got up walking downstairs seeing rose crying and the others around her telling her it was ok and rubbing her back so derek and y/n looked at each other then they got closer to the others

Y: what's wrong
Ace: some dick was being homophobic to rose
Y: did y'all stand up for her
Josh: as best as we could until he tried to shoot all of us
Y: are y'all ok
Rose: we're fine what else can you expect when you live in america
Bobby: not much i can tell you that
Rose: i just don't understand why me loving the same sex is a problem for people it's not them so why does it matter i'm not over here trying to shoot them for liking the opposite sex but when it's the same then it's a problem then he tried to shove bible verses in my face i've had the bible preached to me since the day i was born and God said he loves all his children but somehow people act like they forgot that it's crazy how people preach christianity swearing up and down they're christian but still hate on people who're different from them it's the most hypocritical thing i've ever heard
Gigi: maybe you should go get some sleep and clear your mind yes it sucks and people are fucking stupid but you can't change someone's mind especially if they've been having that type of ignorance preached to them since they were little
Rose: so i'm supposed to sit by and let this shit continue to happen to me
Gigi: what that's not even close to what i said
Lucianna: gigi's right rose and you need to listen you can try and change someone's opinion but that shit isn't going to work if they want to continue being ignorant then they're going to do it no matter what you do and on top of that he had a fucking gun he was ready to shoot all of us for no reason you really think you can go up to him and try to change his mind it's fucking ridiculous
Y: come on rose i'll talk to you

rose walked to y/n and they walked outside sitting down on the edge of the pool

Y: i know it's sucks trust me but people are dumb and childish there's nothing we can do karma is a straight up bitch and it'll bite him straight in the ass we just gotta sit back and watch it happen now that doesn't mean get quiet and let shit happen because you can fight and stand up for yourself at any cause but sometimes we gotta sit some battles out and watch them unravel themselves we gotta play this one the safe way
Rose: you're right thank you y/n that's way better than what the others were saying
Y: i don't see why you're still friends with them
Rose: they've been there for me since we were little from the time i came out until now i can't let them go
Y: i can't tell you what to do and i won't but sometimes you gotta recognize when it's time to let go people change and sometimes it's not for the best
Rose: ok but you're the best
Y: thank you

rose smiled then hugged rose and she hugged her back then once they moved apart y/n got up and reached her arms out helping her up then they walked back inside and y/n walked up to derek giving him a small nod and he walked to her kissing her on her forehead

Derek: you're a good friend
Y: i just saw the way the others tried to help and it doesn't take a genius to see that it wasn't helping at all i'm glad i helped her though
Derek: see like i told you you're not easy to forget you make a big impact on people's lives and you just proved that

y/n smiled then hugged derek resting her head on his chest while he rested his in her hair

Derek: you're gonna be a great mom

derek saying that struck something in y/n and a tear fell down her face but derek didn't notice until she started sobbing so he rubbed her back and held her tighter

Derek: no don't cry
Y: i fucking hate you
Derek: you love me
Y: shut up
Derek: i meant it in a good way i didn't mean to make you cry
Y: i know that
Derek: then why are you crying
Y: because that was really sweet
Derek: ok but stop crying
Y: i fucking can't
Derek: um what am i supposed to do
Y: i mean shutting up works
Derek: ok i'll do that

derek stopped talking and just hugged y/n until she finally stopped crying and he pulled away from her wiping her tears

Y: i hate crying
Derek: hey look at it this way you look beautiful even when you cry
Y: you're right ok i'm good right
Derek: right
Y: how do i look
Derek: beautiful as always
Y: alright we're all good here

derek laughed kissing y/n and she kissed him back then they walked to the others talking to them for a few hours until they got tired so they went back into the room laying down and falling asleep once again


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