part 21

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Y: well i'm in here because of celia
Mattia: dereks ex
Y: yea why does everyone know about them
Mattia: they were the biggest ship at the school they even won prom king and queen junior year
Y: at lunch her and my friend were arguing and he jumped in defending her but when me and celia were arguing he didn't say anything until close to the end when he started taking her side over mine i don't know i feel like maybe he hasn't moved on
Mattia: have you talked to him about it
Y: yes every time i do he says he's over her then he promises and says he wants me then he's right back in that bitches face the next day
Mattia: maybe try giving him space and if he fucks up during that time then that gives you your answer
Y: ok but when they're hanging out how do i hide the fact i'm jealous
Mattia: act like you and derek are friends obviously y'all will still talk and act like y'all are dating but when he's hanging out with celia act like he's just a friend
Y: how do i act like that
Mattia: trust me you know how you just have to be in the situation where it needs to be used
Y: ok i got this right
Mattia: yea you got this
Y: alright walk to class with me
Mattia: you do know i have the next class with you
Y: wait really
Mattia: yea you just never pay attention
Y: sorry i'll pay attention this time
Mattia: thanks now come on the bell rung

they got up walking out the councilor office and walking to class when they were on their way they saw derek handing celia his jacket then when he looked over at y/n she acted like she didn't see him and went back talking to mattia until someone pulled her back

Derek: why are you walking with mattia
Y: because you're walking with celia
Derek: doesn't mean i didn't want to walk with you
Y: sorry i'm not a big fan of third wheeling
Derek: are you serious
Y: yes
Derek: i'm dating you not her
Y: then why does she have your jacket
Derek: because you spilled your drink on her
Y: bruh kobe mike or vallyk could've given her a jacket or her ass could've got one from the lost and found for all i care never mind do you i'm going to class oh and i'll walk home
Derek: come on y/n

y/n walked away going in class and derek sighed then walked off school went by pretty fast and y/n went to her locker putting her books in then she walked out the school front doors and started walking home when derek drove beside her telling her to get in so she looked at who was all in the car then she saw celia so she declined until mattia pulled up asking if she needed a ride so she said yes then hopped in the passenger seat and they drove off

Mattia: so you want me to take you straight home or can i get my soccer uniform from my house real quick
Y: you can do what you need i don't have to be home
Mattia: ok i'll be quick

mattia drove to his house then him and y/n got out the car and walked inside and y/n sat in his living room while he went to his room to get his soccer uniform

Gianluca: hey i'm gianluca are you mattias girl
Y: huh oh no i have a boyfriend i'm just friends with mattia
Gianluca: my opinion my brothers a dick but he's nice to girls but can never keep a relationship
Y: maybe he has commitment issues
Gianluca: yea like his issue to shut the fuck up

y/n and gianluca started laughing then mattia came downstairs seeing them still talking about him then once he came they stopped talking holding in their laughs

Mattia: what are y'all talking about
Y: nothing
Gianluca: besides you

they went back to laughing and mattia rolled his eyes and walked to y/n grabbing her hand and walking to the door

Gianluca: come visit me y/n
Y: of course

after that they walked outside and got back in mattias car and started driving to y/ns house

Mattia: what were y'all talking about
Y: things
Mattia: what things
Y: things you don't need to worry about
Mattia: tell me
Y: no because you're gonna be mad at gianluca if i do
Mattia: you right
Y: exactly

they continued driving until they were at her house so he parked the car and she got out walking to the door but he rolled the window down yelling her name causing her to turn around

Mattia: are you coming to my soccer game tonight
Y: what time
Mattia: seven
Y: i'll try if not we can do something after
Mattia: aight let me know
Y: alright

y/n opened the door and went to her room going in the shower and getting cleaned then she wrapped a towel around herself and went into her room closing the door then she removed the towel and laid it down on the floor sitting on it and looking in her drawer for new clothes

Kobe: does she know we're in here

y/n let out a loud scream and stood up covering herself and turning around feeling her face turn a burning red

Y: could you not have said anything earlier
Kobe: i mean we could've but the show was amazing
Derek: once again that's my girlfriend
Kobe: we're joking
Derek: yea sure you are anyways baby you coming to my basketball game today
Y: yea of course what time is it
Derek: it starts at seven
Y: yea i'll be there
Derek: bet

y/n grabbed clothes and went back into her bathroom drying off then putting them on and going back into her room sitting with everyone else

y/n grabbed clothes and went back into her bathroom drying off then putting them on and going back into her room sitting with everyone else

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