part 22

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soon derek got dressed for his game then he kissed y/n before he ran out the house while he was gone she told mattia why she wasn't coming and he said ok so she got up getting dressed for dereks basketball game then she got in her car and drove to the school once she made it she sat down in a spot where she could see him before the game started he ran up to her sitting next to her

Y: what are you doing you're about to play
Derek: smile for the camera

derek kissed y/n and she kissed him back then a bright flash went off and when they pulled apart it was his mom taking a picture so she waved at her then when derek ran back to the court his mom sat next to her

D/m: how are you doing y/n
Y: i'm doing good how about you
D/m: i'm great
Y: that's good
D/m: we miss you at our house why haven't you come around
Y: well derek has been hanging at my house lately
D/m: well tomorrow we're going out to eat as a family i'd love to have you come
Y: yea i'll be there
D/m: great oh just you by the way i love your mom and sister but i want to get to know you more since you're with my son
Y: i understand trust me

y/n finished talking then she payed attention to the game cheering derek on then some girl approached her

??: in a good way you're loud and we have a spot opened so how about you join our cheer team
Y: i don't know i'm really not the cheer type
??: well you might not think so but me and my whole team does so how about tomorrow night at ten pm you come to my house and you can introduce yourself to the team
Y: what's your name
Nia: i'm nia so just give me your number and i'll text you my address
Y: alright

y/n gave nia her number then she paid attention to the game again once they won y/n yelled then she ran down the bleachers and jumped on derek kissing him he caught her by her thighs and kissed her back then she hopped down still hugging him

Y: congrats baby
Derek: thank you you're spending the night at my house tonight
Y: i have something i have to do after this though ok
Derek: ok just come whenever you're ready
Y: i will

y/n kissed derek one more time before she walked out getting in her car and driving to the soccer field when she made it the game was still going so she sat on the bleachers shivering until the game over and mattia came up to her with some of his friends smiling so y/n got up to hug him and he hugged back

Y: good job
Mattia: thanks i'm surprised you came
Y: well the basketball game ended earlier than i thought
Mattia: aight so are we still hanging out
Y: yea where you wanna go
Mattia: ehh i'm tired so can we just chill at my place
Y: alright are your friends coming too
Mattia: yea this is hunter, nico, niko, and bryce they're my boys
Hunter: hey
Nico: so what sport you play
Y: i don't play any sport
Niko: seriously
Y: yea seriously i thought about track since i like to run a lot
Bryce: you look like more of a cheer type girl
Y: second time i've been told that today actually
Mattia: alright let's get going i'm drained

they all walked away getting in mattias car then they drove to mcdonald's to get food and after that they drove to his house going into his room and sitting down on the bed

Niko: y'all wanna make a tiktok
Mattia: hell yea come on y/n you're joining us
Y: um ok

they all got up getting in the video and they started doing the vivi trend from tiktok on mattias page

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