part 118

391 27 35

Kj: mama can we go see daddy's grave today i wanna tell him about my day
Y: yea we can
Leo: i wanna give him the flowers i made at school from paper
Y: alright well go put your shoes on and we can go ok
Leo: ok

y/n stood up grabbing her keys and once the kids were ready and ashley they all went to quincy and keiths grave sight and the kids stood in front of it while y/n looked at it

Leo: do you think one day the door will open and he'll come out
Y: no...but he's definitely listening
Leo: well i love you dad did he hear me
Y: yea he heard you

all the kids kept talking to keith then once they left y/n sat down and placed her hand on the cold steps

Y: i wish leo could've actually met you instead of just hearing about you but it has to be this way i guess i was as strong as you said because i keep pushing mainly for you i'm going on through life still haven't thrown away any of your clothes though might make them into girly type clothes ugh i can hear you now yelling at me not to mess up your designer clothes but too late i already started...did you laugh at that i think you did leo is now three kj is four and the girls are eight whew it feels like time is going by so slow but so fast and if you can believe it i'm now twenty seven i feel so old but if you were here you'd probably remind me i'm as beautiful as when we first met you'd be lying but you would still say it the others came down here i guess they technically had to well derek did at least for his daughter and kobe for kehlani he's finally stepping up and me i'm good have i moved i don't think i'll be able to but me and derek are coparenting i know you'd be proud of me well i gotta go but i'll be back slowly waiting until i get to see you again i love you mr powers

y/n laid down a rose like she's been doing for the past few years then she got the kids and they all walked to quincys grave checking on ashley then once they were all ready they got in the car and drove home

y/n laid down a rose like she's been doing for the past few years then she got the kids and they all walked to quincys grave checking on ashley then once they were all ready they got in the car and drove home

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quincy jr^^

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quincy jr^^


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