part 73

637 34 39

a week past and they were in the hotel room talking and playing then y/n felt a sharp pain so she held her stomach yelling out a grunted scream and everyone stopped and looked at her then derek ran to her looking down and seeing a puddle under her

Derek: oh shit

once everyone saw what he was looking at they all started panicking and running around to find her bag and clothes while derek carried her in the car then when everyone came down he drove off going to the hospital as fast as he could once they made it he carried her inside telling the doctors so they brought them to a room handing y/n a gown to change into so while she did that the others besides derek closed their eyes or turned around then once she was done they laid her under the cover and she laid there constantly grunting in pain while derek laid a cold towel on her head

Derek: wanna know a funny story i lost my virginity at fourteen

y/n looked at derek pissed off and he got quiet and looked off

Kobe: dumb ass
Derek: i was trying to help
Isa: yes because telling her you're a hoe will help
Derek: that's not what i said
Michelle: let's just agree it was very heavily implied
Derek: fuck off
Y: can y'all shut the fuck up
Mattia: jeez someone's not in a good mood
Y: duh you fu-

before y/n could finish she got another pain and she closed her eyes shut grunting in pain and gripping dereks hand

Derek: fuck loosen your grip

y/n loosened her grip before the pain came back and she tightened it again this time yelling and her doctor came in checking to see if she was dilated then once he saw she was he made everyone else leave out then he propped her legs up and waited for the nurses to come in then once they made it he looked up at y/n

Doctor: you ready
Y: i guess
Doctor: good because she is

y/n started taking deep breaths and pushing while derek kept saying dumb shit and keeping the towel on her forehead it was eleven at night when y/n started pushing and by the time she was down it was twelve

Derek: so what are we naming her
Y: valentina it's a scandinavian name that means love and since it is valentine's day then it's perfect
Derek: valentina it is

y/n played with valentinas hand making her open her eyes looking at her and she saw her pretty grey and bluish eyes then she yawned revealing her cute dimple after a while y/n handed her to derek and she closed her eyes falling asleep while the others walked back in

Isa: whew guys it's ok she looks like y/n
Ayaina: whew that was a close one
Derek: um fuck y'all too
Isa: we're kidding but for real she's beautiful
Mike: you know i thought i was gonna spend my valentines getting rocked back to back but instead i'm in a hospital this is great
Ayaina: it just became valentine's day ass and what did we tell you about being selfish
Mike: i'm just saying
Peyton: anyways she's adorable
Mattia: i wish i could tell y/n that but um sis is knocked out right now
Kobe: that's gonna be isa soon
Isa: don't remind me
Ayaina: ugh i want a baby
Mike: and i don't

everyone looked at mike then michelle whispered "that's gonna cause problems" to josh and he shook his and continued looking at the baby then once she started crying it woke y/n up so she sat up with her eyes half way open looking around

Isa: aww look who woke up
Y: what's wrong with her
Derek: i don't know
Y: well can you give her to me so i can figure out

derek gave valentina to y/n and she checked her diaper making sure everything was good then once she saw it was she covered her body with the cover then pulled her gown down feeding her then once she finished she pulled it back up and let the cover down patting her back until she burped then she laid her down on her chest and they fell asleep together

Derek: i told her she'd be a good mom and i was right
Isa: if i'm not like that i will literally cry
Kobe: damn girl let's get there first
Mike: that was funny
Isa: fuck both of y'all
Mike: i'm taken sorry
Kobe: damn you tryna fuck my bro you ain't shit
Isa: y'all are so dumb

they all kept talking until they left and derek laid on the couch getting on his phone until y/n woke up putting valentina in her bed and sat up looking at derek smiling

Derek: what
Y: just enjoying the view
Derek: aww

derek got up walking to y/n and hugging her then he pulled away and kissed her as she kissed back

Derek: i love you
Y: i love you too
Derek: you know i'm proud of you right
Y: i know

derek kissed y/n again then he laid his head on hers getting in the bed next to her and falling asleep together hours past and y/n woke up at ten in the morning to valentina crying so she picked her up feeling her diaper then she sighed and sat up changing her then feeding her and dressing her back up after that the others came back standing around and she looked at them smiling then isa ran to her wrapping her arms around her head

Isa: bitch i tried to talk to your lazy ass yesterday but you were sleep i'm trying to say i'm proud of you hoe
Y: thank you dumb dusty rusty extremely musty bitch
Isa: oop
Vallyk: where's derek
Y: i have no idea
Ayaina: maybe he's at the hospital gift shop
Y: maybe

in the middle of their conversation derek came in with a big bouquet of pink roses and a pink bear and he handed it to y/n smiling at her then he kissed her ten to eleven times making her let out a small laugh

Nadia: must be nice
Vallyk: girl bye


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