part 103

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soon carmen walked off going to sleep with kehlani while y/n put valentina to sleep then she walked outside sitting down on the curb until quincy and his friend sat next to her and she turned her head looking at them

Y: hey
??: hi you're y/n carmens friend
Y: so you've guys been talking about me
??: i mean kinda i asked carmen your name and she told me before laughing at how weirdly i asked
Y: oh that's why she was laughing
??: yea
Y: so you know my name but i don't know yours
Justin: i'm justin
Y: well justin what job does quincy have
Quincy: don't tell her
Justin: besides being a professional fuck boy he's a model and actor actually both of us are
Quincy: he's lying i'm not a fuck boy
Justin: contrary to popular belief he actually is
Y: so that's the amazing background behind the mysterious duo
Quincy: yes it is but i'm trying to figure out the mystery between this mystery duo
Y: we're influencers like the insta tiktok snapchat type crap
Quincy: why'd you say type crap
Y: after a while it gets tiring like constantly having people judging you and having people
Quincy: telling you what you're doing wrong or what you need to improve on it just makes
Y: you feel as if nothing you do is right
Quincy: exactly
Justin: i mean to have enough followers as we do then we got to be doing some right
Y: true i just wish people would understand that all because we have followers we still
Quincy: have feelings and words hurt us as much as it hurts them
Y: exactly
Quincy: kind of sucks that some people rather hate someone until they're tempted to take their own life than just be happy that they're happy it'll never make sense to me
Y: so who's else is in y'all group
Quincy: the other person in our group is famous so you'll know him his name is bryson and keith
Y: who the fuck is bryson
Justin: i don't think she knows him by his real name
Quincy: oh well his name is NLE
Y: oh ok so does he live with y'all
Quincy: yea he-

before quincy could finish a lambo pulled into their driveway blasting music through the speakers and when the person stepped out y/n saw NLE as well as some other guy which she guessed was keith and they walked up to the boys dapping them up

Bryson: who is this
Quincy: y/n we met her yesterday
Keith: hey y/n i'm keith
Y: hey keith
Bryson: i don't care who she is i was just asking
Y: yea i might like your music but i don't got time for this duck ass shit i'm going inside
Bryson: go then
Y: yea that was kind of the plan genius

y/n got up rolling her eyes and walking inside closing the door behind her while the guys stayed outside looking at bryson

Justin: well you can see she's definitely not another groupie you can play
Bryson: it's honestly intriguing
Keith: yea but i think you pissed her off
Quincy: well so far she hates you so that won't work
Bryson: yea i see that
Justin: so your chances are slim as you can see
Bryson: oh shut up
Keith: she is interesting though but come on we look like pervs just standing at her door

all the boys got up walking back to their house while y/n was in the house telling carmen about what happened

Y: so bryson aka NLE came up and had the nerve to have an attitude with me like i did some to him
Carmen: girl then again he is famous maybe he just thinks every girl is a groupie that wants him
Y: yea well not every girl wants him i was too busy looking at his friend anyway
Carmen: ooo bitch who's his friend
Y: some guy named keith he's so pretty like really pretty
Carmen: well you decide between your three and i'm gonna stick with justin's fine ass
Y: you do that

y/n laughed getting up and going to valentina who was now up playing with her and showing her a bunch of shapes and colors trying to get her use to it while kehlani watched and soon joined in guessing as well after a little bit y/n put them in their boosters and started making dinner for them when there was a knock on the door

Y: carmen can you get the door
Carmen: i'm getting ready for my date
Y: date with you
Carmen: justin y/n who else
Y: damn bitch you just met the nigga yesterday

y/n mumbled the last sentence under her breath and dusted her flour covered hands on her shorts then walked to the door opening it

Y: um hey
Keith: hi sorry i was just knocking to let you know we're about to have a little party and it's gonna be kinda loud
Y: ok that's fine
Keith: just making sure because i didn't know if you were a black version of a karen
Y: well i'm not so is that it i'm kinda cooking
Keith: smells to me like you're cooking grilled chicken breasts with spaghetti and meatballs
Y: wait you cook
Keith: i mean i know a thing or two i can show you one day if you'd like
Y: i'm gonna have to take you up on that offer might have to see how well you can cook
Keith: you'd be surprised
Y: well have fun keith
Keith: yea you too

keith looked y/n up and down smiling and she smiled back then once she closed the door he licked his lips and walked off while she finished cooking then she laid the plates down in the spots then while she cut their food in smaller pieces carmen came down fully dressed

Y: you look nice
Carmen: thank you can you watch kehlani for me
Y: yea have fun
Carmen: oh i will

carmen winked at y/n and she just shook her head laughing while carmen walked out the door

carmen winked at y/n and she just shook her head laughing while carmen walked out the door

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