part 100

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after her minor hangover and them arriving in north korea for their wedding everyone was in hotel rooms sitting around and talking and just playing around while derek and y/n were at the heaven lake sitting down in the grass and looking at the landscape with her head on his shoulder and his head on hers holding hands

Derek: who would've thought me and you'd be here
Y: i don't know but i'm glad we are
Derek: yea i am too you've changed my life so much in more ways than i thought was possible i'm happy you didn't leave
Y: why would i leave
Derek: i don't know maybe because you thought my actions weren't matching my words
Y: yea because sometimes they didn't
Derek: but i really am trying y/n at the end of the day i just want to make you happy
Y: well i'm happy where i am right now in life kind of want to keep it this way
Derek: have you thought about it
Y: thought about what
Derek: who's gonna walk you down you know usually it's the dad but...
Y: yea i know what you mean i guess it'll be one of the boys since they're really the only male figures i have in my life right now
Derek: which one though
Y: mattia
Derek: why him
Y: he's been there longer than the rest he's never switched up i've never had to question wether or not he was talking about me behind my back and i know if something were to happen to me tomorrow that he'd be there out of all the boys
Derek: ok if that's who you want then i'm fine with it
Y: who are you picking as your best men
Derek: i want four so i'm picking kobe mike vallyk and maybe jaden
Y: oh ok
Derek: how about your bridesmaids
Y: carmen ashley ayaina and isa
Derek: figured that much
Y: yea they're the only female friends i have
Derek: what about rose and michelle
Y: i just haven't talked to them like that in a while so i wouldn't let them do it
Derek: is corey coming
Y: i don't know these questions are specific i feel like i'm being set up
Derek: baby you're not being set up i'm just asking questions
Y: oh well i don't know
Derek: next question what do you think the difference between a twin flame and a soulmate is
Y: a soulmate is someone who you're destined to be with like no matter what happens or who you're with you'll always be destined to that person but a twin flame is different they're someone who you have nearly everything in common with it's almost as if y'all share the same mind you guys think the same and when you're with each other it's the best feeling ever
Derek: so which one do you think is better
Y: twin flame i can love someone to death and be destined to them but at the end of the day i'm gonna want to be with someone who has similar traits as me and that i can just vibe with
Derek: so who's your twin flame because we know who your soulmate is
Y: real question is who is your twin flame you never talk about nothing like this
Derek: you want me to answer honestly
Y: yes
Derek: you promise you won't get mad
Y: yes i promise
Derek: nupur
Y: oh
Derek: are you mad
Y: no i'm not mad
Derek: are you sure
Y: yea

after that y/n really didn't say much she just changed the topic and talked whenever she felt it was necessary but other than that she kept quiet after a while they left going back to the hotel room and they went into the separate ones they had one for the girls and one for the boys while y/n was in hers she was talking to the girls when she reached into her back pocket realizing she had dereks phone so she told them

Ashley: go through it
Y: what no
Ashley: i go through vallyks phone
Y: bitch because you have his password to literally every app
Ashley: true well what passwords do you have
Y: um i have his instagram password
Isa: that's it
Y: yea why
Isa: girl when i was with kobe even though he was a huge hoe i had his phone password his password to tiktok instagram snapchat shit even twitter
Y: well i trust him so there's not point in getting all that
Carmen: girl you know they say leo men ain't shit but hey just go give him his phone then
Y: come with me
Carmen: ok

y/n and carmen walked out the room walking to the guys room just talking then once they were about to turn the corner they saw derek and kobe outside the room talking so they hid shushing each other

Derek: did you hear that
Kobe: man it's nothing now finish telling me about nupur being your twin flame or whatever that shit is called
Derek: imma check out what that sound was first
Kobe: bruh probably nothing now can you come on before i go back inside
Derek: fine anyways nupur is my twin flame meaning we connect on like a spiritual level and y/n thinks that's more important than being soulmates and i'm starting to think that too because when i'm with y/n i imagine she's nupur that's why i'm always kissing and loving on her sometimes i can't help but imagine being with nupur or when i'm sleeping with y/n like sexually to help me i think of her it's just i kinda wish i was marrying her instead i text nupur every night telling her how much i love her sometimes i still even see her and we just have so much fun together and when we make love it's just incredible
Kobe: i know what you mean i still mess around with isa because i feel the same about her man she's incredible in every way but why don't you tell y/n that before these two weeks go by
Derek: i mean i would but i don't want to break her heart so i'm just gonna have to settle for her
Y: wow glad to see you talking behind my back about wanting someone else it's fine derek go ahead and be with nupur i'm glad i didn't mess up and marry you you're unbelievable oh and here's your shitty phone maybe i should've went through it can't believe i thought you changed you're as much as a dick when i first met you i will never i mean never forgive you for this you can let everyone know the wedding is canceled and just so you know i'm moving to vegas you can stay in new york there was a time in my life where i didn't even know who you were and it could've stayed like that if this was how it was gonna end then we were better off staying strangers
Carmen: and kobe i expected nothing less from you like they say if they'll do it once they'll do it again

y/n threw derek his phone and she took off the ring throwing it at him also then her and carmen walked back to the room not even talking just packing their bags and fighting back tears


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