part 20

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soon they fell asleep but when they woke up they all got showered one by one then dressed getting in the cars and driving to school once they made it they all walked in together and split up to go to their lockers while derek went to y/ns

Derek: so you wanna do something after school
Y: like what
Derek: whatever you want
Y: wanna chill at your place
Derek: yea sounds great
Principal: mr trendz i need you to show our new student celia around
Derek: coming i'm sorry baby i promise i'll keep my distance
Y: alright

derek kissed y/n then he walked off while she turned around opening her locker and getting her books out then someone covered her eyes

Mattia: hey
Y: hey mattia

mattia moved his hands then y/n turned around looking at him and smiling while keeping the proper distance that she tells derek to keep

Mattia: when are we gonna hang out
Y: i'm doing something after school so maybe tomorrow before school if that's ok with you
Mattia: yea that's perfect
Y: alright how about my house five thirty
Mattia: yea do you wanna ride to school with me or do you have a ride
Y: i'll have to get back to you on that one
Mattia: gotta ask your boyfriend
Y: yea sorry
Mattia: no i understand get back to me ok
Y: ok

mattia walked off smiling and y/n closed her locker then walked to class once she walked in kobe yelled her name and she looked at him confused

Kobe: look who's in our class

y/n couldn't see where kobe was looking so she just shrugged and walked to her seat and that's when she saw the person right next to her in front of kobe was celia she rolled her eyes and sat down in her seat taking her books out and following along to what the teacher was saying

Celia: can i borrow a pencil...y/n...hello...please
Teacher: who's talking in my class

y/n didn't say anything she just pointed to celia and once the teacher realized he called her name

Teacher: i'm gonna cut you some slack because you're new here but in my class we don't talk while i'm teaching that's automatic detention so unless you want that i advice you shut your mouth

celia sighed and stopped talking then the class went on along with another until it was time for lunch so y/n waited in the halls for isa and ayaina and once she saw them they all walked to lunch together sitting at their usual seat then the boys joined them along with celia

Isa: she's like a virus you can never get rid of her
Y: tell me about it hate that bitch
Ayaina: good to know we're in the same boat
Kobe: what are y'all whispering about
Isa: just girl talk
Celia: i'm a girl let me join
Ayaina: we said girls not a man looking bi-
Derek: chill out
Ayaina: don't tell me what to do
Celia: he can say what he wants
Y: why are you defending him
Celia: someone has to
Y: yea and when he's right i will but i didn't think he was right so i didn't say anything
Celia: you didn't think he was right because you rather have your friends back than his
Y: cause she was around before him i know something called loyalty do you
Celia: i know a lot about loyalty
Y: funny because weren't you the same one that played him after you took his virginity
Celia: and wasn't him taking your virginity just a bet
Y: and don't you want him back because you're a desperate bitch
Celia: and aren't you jealous of me
Y: and don't you wish you were me
Celia: i could always go on
Y: go for it because in a few minutes these hands are gonna be the only things doing the talking
Celia: you're acting like i can't fight
Y: well bitch i'm not so sure after i punched you and you started crying you little bitch
Celia: oh i'm the little bitch
Y: yea i think i just said that fucking whore
Celia: you know how about you come say that to my face
Y: gladly you raggedy bi-
Mike: ok ok let's take a breath and calm down
Y: don't tell me to fucking calm down i'm not the one that started it
Derek: baby you kinda did
Y: here you go taking her side again
Derek: i'm just saying all she did was defend me and you got mad
Y: she doesn't need to defend you you're fucking seventeen you can defend yourself
Derek: and i'm not saying i can't but don't you think jumping down her throat for doing something you should've done is too far
Y: something i should've done you know what you should've done you should've minded your own business when the conversation had nothing to do with you
Derek: y'all we're ganging up on celia for nothing
Y: you don't know what we were talking about you only heard the conversation between ayaina and celia so you decided to once again defend her
Derek: i would defend any of my friends
Y: so why didn't you defend mike when i said something
Derek: he's grown he can do it himself
Y: no it's because since it was celia that needed you then it was different
Derek: no that's not what i'm saying
Y: yea you don't have to say it you showed it actions speak louder than words dumb ass

y/n got up throwing her drunk on celia then walked out the cafeteria walking around school then she went in the counselors office taking a seat

Mattia: what are you in here for
Y: no reason clearing my head how about you
Mattia: if i tell you do you promise not to tell anyone
Y: yea of course i promise
Mattia: i have daily appointments for my depression
Y: oh how's it going
Mattia: slowly but surely getting better
Y: that's good to hear
Mattia: now i told you why i'm here so it's your turn to tell me why you're here


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