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new style!

"Yoojung, this is serious-"

"I know."

Jiyong grabbed his sisters arm and halted her movement. "I'm serious. You don't know these guys, Yoojung. They're dangerous, and they don't feel remorse. They could kill you."

"Then what was the point of starting this program, Jiyong?" His sister questioned. "We're going to stop working just because a group of men could potentially kill me? Has that ever stopped us?"

"No, but it really is different this time. Normally, we're dealing with drug and weapon trafficking," Jiyong paused for a moment. "This involves a human, a witness that they need to get rid of."

Yoojung shrugged. "Even more reason to go through with it."

Her brother let go, but Yoojung didn't walk away. "I understand why you're worried, but this is our job. We can't just stop because of one potential danger when there are people actually in danger, Jiyong."

Yoojung hugged her brother and he patted her head. "You're too careless sometimes. I need you to be extra careful this go around. You have to watch your back, or else it'll become a target."

Yoojung and Jiyong started running their business, Grey Club, two years prior to this very mission. On the outside, their business ran a program that helped survivors of crime. On the inside, Jiyong and Yoojung were tracking down the worst criminals in their area, and this time, it was ATEEZ.

The two grew up in a bad background, where their mother did illegal business behind closed doors, and their father was doing everything in his power to keep them away from it. But they were always in danger.

Especially after their father tried to get them out of the house for good, and their mothers only response to it, was to kill him. Right in front of her young children, the ages of eleven and thirteen.

After several years of foster care, secret defense/training classes, tech lessons, and a ton of money for legal licenses, their business kick-started at the ages of twenty one and twenty-three, exactly ten years later.

Yoojung was the brawn of the team and her older brother was the brain of the team. They never had a failed mission, and they didn't plan on ever acquiring one.

"Yoojung," her brothers voice rang through her small ear piece. "That man over there with the read hair? Choi Jongho. He's the strongest of the eight. Watch him closely."

Yoojung nodded subtly, knowing that Jiyong was monitoring her through the casinos cameras.

"What can I get for you today?" The bartender slid over to her with a smile. "On the house."

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