jeong yunho | request.

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You stared at Yunho, who wasn't even looking at you, from across the room, yet he still ignored you. He finally looked over at you and made a face, making you roll your eyes.

"I'm tired of your attitude, Yunho."

"You're tired of my attitude?" He laughed. "Stop staring at me like that."

"Then can we talk about what just happened?" You questioned.

"What just happened?"

You threw your hands up. "Our third argument this week, and it's only Tuesday!"

"I don't know, Y/N."

You sighed and pushed your hair back out of frustration, biting your bottom lip angrily. "Just come over here and talk to me, please."

He looked at you. "Why can't you come over here?"

"Seriously?" He nodded and you stood up from the table. "If you need me, call me."

He hummed and looked back at the tv, and you narrowed your eyes at the back of his head. You grabbed your car keys and got in your car, heading to your best friends house. When you got there, you walked right into the house and plopped down next to her on the couch.

You put your head on Min's shoulder and sighed. "Is it Yunho again?"

"Yeah. I just don't know what's going on with us. It's been like this for nearly two weeks." You replied.

"Maybe a small break will do both of you some good?"

You pulled away from her, your eyes wide. "A break from our relationship?"

"No. Just a break like this - you hanging out with me for a little while." She laughed. "Your reaction tells me that this is something that will pass, Y/N."

"I hope so."

You rested your head on her shoulder again, and she offered you some popcorn. "Should we do girls night like we used to in high school?"

The next morning, Yunho was pacing around the house waiting for you to get home. When you walked through the front door, he crossed his arms and looked at you.

"I called you." He said.

"I was driving, Yunho."

He nodded. "Where'd you go last night?"

"Min's house."

He nodded again, slowly this time. You could see the question in his eyes, and you scoffed as you hung your keys back up. You turned away from him and into the kitchen, where he followed you and grabbed your wrist.

"What?" You asked. "You think I was with another man last night?"

"Did I ask that question?"

"I could see it in your eyes!"

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