1M reads.

2.3K 70 31


okay, wow. it might not seem like a big deal, but one million reads is a lot, that's so much. when i first had the idea of starting an ateez imagine book, i didn't think it would go anywhere, but it hit 1k twenty days after being published and now we're at 1M, one year, three months and four days after it's been published.

it only grew so fast because of all of you, so thank you for reading this book and supporting me and making me feel good about my writing. when i see all of the cute comments i get so happy, so thank you guys<3

i wish i could give a kith to everyone, but i can't, so here's a virtual hug instead (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

also, i'm always here to talk!! i'll always help all of you out, no doubt about it. please stay healthy and remember to breathe when things get stressful.



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