choi jongho | roomate | pt.1.

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You, Aiko, and Yunjae were sitting on the couch when the doorbell rang.

"It's the new roommate!" They yelled.

You sighed as they ran to the door and swung it open, bowing to the boy standing outside your dorm. You watched from the couch and when you noticed how uncomfortable he was, you got up and stood in between your roommates.

"Don't smother him, he just got here." You sighed. "My name's Y/N. Make yourself at home. It's pretty late, so we'll let you get settled and get to bed, right girls?"

The girls on your left and right nodded, disappointed. "Thank you." He said.

You smiled and let him pass by, and he shut his door after bowing to the three of you.

"You're going to scare him away, you guys!" You scolded.

Aiko frowned. "Sorry, Y/N."

"It's fine, just try to let him warm up to you guys before you go crazy, yeah?"

They nodded and headed to their rooms, and you followed suit and went to yours, crawling into the comfort of your bed.


You turned around and set your book down, smiling at Jongho. "You don't have to be so formal, Jongho." You laughed.

He chuckled shyly. "Sorry. I just wanted to say that I was sorry for rushing to my room so fast last night, I probably should've had a decent conversation first."

"Oh, don't worry about it. Aiko and Yunjae can get a little hyper, so I was trying to help you get away from their talkative wrath." You smiled. "Breakfast is in the kitchen, help yourself."

He nodded and walked off, and you went back to reading your book, pushing your hair back and away from your face.

Meanwhile, Jongho bit into a piece of toast and looked at the girls. "Y/N's-"

"Introverted?" Aiko suggested.

"Scary?" Yunjae added.

Jongho pursed his lips. "I was going to say nice, but okay."

Yunjae leaned forward and pouted. "Y/N's terrifying. She's so strict, and sometimes, she yells at us."

"And she never talks to anyone, like ever. She never goes to parties, and she's always studying." Aiko chimed in.

"Really?" Jongho asked.

Aiko laughed. "No. She can be scary sometimes, not like 'oh my gosh, is she possessed?', scary, but she scolds us pretty good."

"And I wasn't lying about how she doesn't go to parties," Yunjae started. "But she insists she stays home so that she's available if we need her. You're really lucky to have moved in here, Jongho. Y/N takes really good care of us."

Jongho nodded and smiled to himself. "I feel very lucky."

Later that night, you were making dinner when Aiko and Yunjae ran through the kitchen.

"Don't run in the house, please!" You shouted over their laughter.

"But we're having fun." Aiko pouted.

You smiled and looked back down at what you were doing. "Fine, just don't break anything and don't run through the kitchen."

"Yes ma'am!" They yelled, making you laugh.

You were the oldest of the dorm, so you were always trying to keep the others safe. You didn't mind though; you liked watching out for them. Aiko was nineteen, and Yunjae was twenty one, but sometimes you swore that Yunjae was the younger, and Jongho was eighteen, but he seemed older than both of them.

You smiled to yourself at the thought and finished up dinner. "Come make your plates!" You yelled.

All three of them came rushing in, and you smiled at how happy they looked as they filled their plates up. After they got their food, you got yours and joined them at the table.

"Y/N, this is really good!" Jongho exclaimed.

Yunjae gasped and tapped the table. "You should try her bibimbap! Ah, it's so yummy."

You let out a breathy chuckle. "Thank you, Jongho."

After dinner you all cleaned up and went to the living room to watch a movie. While the girls were arguing over which movie would be watched, you turned your body to face Jongho.

"Are you settled into your room?" You asked.

"Very nicely. Thank you for letting me move in." He smiled.

"It's a pleasure to have you. Maybe you and I can balance out the calm-hyper ratio in the dorm." You laughed.

He chuckled and nodded. "Maybe."

It was about three a.m. and you couldn't sleep very well, so you decided to get up and get some water. After you poured your glass of water and turned around, you noticed Jongho on the balcony. You quietly walked over and slid the door open, taking a seat next to him.

"Couldn't sleep?" You asked quietly.

"Not really. You?"

"Same," You sighed. "A penny for your thoughts?"

He took a deep breath and rested his head in his palm. "Last time I had roommates they treated me really horribly, and I guess I'm just worried. Not that you guys would do something like that; I guess having roommates just puts me on edge a little bit."

You looked over at him. "Well, the fact that you even contacted me about living here tells me you wanna get over that little fear."

He nodded and looked at you. "Yeah, you're right."

You reached over and patted his thigh, giving him a reassuring smile. "We'll take really good care of you, I promise. You're already part of our little family."


a/n: sometimes I feel like my imagines kinda suck, but you guys comment about how good the book is, and it really warms my heart, so thank you:)

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a/n: sometimes I feel like my imagines kinda suck, but you guys comment about how good the book is, and it really warms my heart, so thank you:)

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