ateez sees a ghost.

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"No!" San screeched. "No way!"

Everyone ran to the bathroom door, where San was staring at the mirror in disbelief.

"What?" Seonghwa asked, searching San's face in the mirror. "Did you get a pimple or something?"

San sighed. "I saw that girl in the mirror again."

His friends sighed simultaneously and mumbled incoherently. San had been seeing some girl all over the house for over two weeks. The only other person in the house that's seen her was Yeosang, but only San knew about it.

"I'm serious! It was her again." San pouted.

Hongjoong shook his head. "Our house isn't haunted. That's crazy."

"Either way," San paused. "We should do some research and see if she died in here."

"I agree." Yeosang announced. "I've actually seen her in the kitchen once."

San made a 'see?' gesture, making Hongjoong sigh. "Okay, let's ask around."

So, they found the number of the person who owned the house and called them. It was a sweet elderly woman, and she picked up the phone with a polite 'hello.'

"Hi." Hongjoong replied. "My friends and I are living in the house that you own and we were just wanting to learn some history about the place."

She made a noise of realization. "I see. It would be easier to talk in person, I have quite a few documents of everything that you might be looking for."

"That's great!" Hongjoong told her. "We'll meet you."

The boys showed up to the elderly woman's house. It was big and spacious, she probably enjoyed walking the area of the house, seeing as she was in good shape for her age. She met them outside and shook their hands as they entered her house. She came in and joined them in the living room.

"My name is Yumi. My husband and I built that house nearly fifty years ago. No one has ever really asked about the history of it, if I'm being honest." She told them. "The first people to start living in the house was a group of college kids, close to some of your ages. They kept tearing the place up so we had to kick them out. Are you guys taking care of it?"

"Yes ma'am, absolutely." Yunho told her. "We love living there."

Her face brightened at Yunho's words, a genuine smile playing at her lips. "I'm glad." She paused and thought. "A couple of girls moved in next, and after them it was a bigger group of girls. It was a real tragedy, though." The boys looked at each other as she continued. "It was a sorority group and they were initiating their pledge. They locked her in a room as a fire started and told her that if she survived the smoke, she would be initiated. She didn't survive, yet they continued to mutilate her body. They cut two big lines into her back, one in her stomach, then one down each forearm."

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