choi jongho | request.

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"When are you going to introduce us to her, Jongho?" Hongjoong questioned. "You've been dating her for four months, and we still haven't met her."

"Soon." Jongho sighed. "I'll have to talk to her about it."

"You've been saying that for the last month." San mumbled.

Jongho sighed and relaxed deeper into the couch, despite his tense muscles. Truth was, he was terrified of what they would think of you, since you weren't Korean. He had never dated anyone of any other race, and he was worried that his friends would be a little shocked. He also didn't want to embarrass you, incase you weren't ready to meet his friends.

Obviously, they didn't have a problem with non-Korean people, it was just an unexpected decision. Jongho really liked you- and he wanted everyone else to like you as well.

"At least tell us what she does for a living?" Yeosang suggested.

Jongho looked over at his friend. "She's a music producer."

"Oh, really?" Mingi chirped. "That's nice- both of you like music."

Jongho smiled. "She's really great, guys. She's just-"

Hongjoong's phone started ringing, cutting Jongho off. Hongjoong spoke for a couple minutes then hung up.

"That was our manager." He said. "He wants us to go to his office."

Yunho patted Jongho's arm. "You can tell us later."

When you got home, you set your backpack down by the door and went to the kitchen, where Jongho was sitting at the island.

"Hey, babe." You smiled and kissed his head. "How was your day?"

"Productive, but I missed you."

You chuckled and sat with him. "So uh, when are you gonna introduce me to your members?"

You noticed how he got a little tense. "I don't know, I'll have to talk to them."


"Y/N, please. I don't know when you'll get to meet them."

You tilted your head and narrowed your eyes. "You're embarrassed of me, Jongho."

Your voice was quiet, but Jongho was quieter. He couldn't even look at you after you said that.

"I'm not embarrassed of you."

"Okay, then tell me why I can't meet anyone that you know? I haven't even met your family!" He stood up and started to walk away, but you grabbed his wrist. "Stop walking away from me, and talk to me. You always do this- you push me away when I want to meet the important people in your life."

"That's not even it, Y/N."

"Yes, it is." You whispered. "It's weird for you to date someone that isn't Korean, so you're worried that people are going to disapprove. If you really wanted to be with me, that wouldn't be a problem."

He clenched his jaw. "I do want to be with you."

"Then show me that you do. I'm tired of being hidden."

You walked away from him and grabbed your backpack, opening the front door. "Where are you going?"

"My hiding place, Jongho."

He sighed as you slammed the front door. He plopped down onto the couch in the living room, thinking about what he could do. He wanted to be with you so badly, and he was starting to question why he didn't want you to meet anyone. He knew that he needed to make it up to you, and he wanted to make it special.

The next morning, you woke up in your studio to your phone ringing. You yawned and clicked the answer button.


"Y/N, can you come up to KQ?"

"I guess."

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit."

He hung up and you groaned, sitting up and getting your stuff together. You managed to look like you didn't fall asleep doing overloads of work, then you headed to Jongho's company. You parked and got out of your car, heading inside.

As you walked to the front desk, the secretary stood up and smiled at you sweetly. "Miss Y/N, these are for you."

She handed you a beautiful bouquet of flowers. "Thank you. Who are they from?"


Your eyes widened slightly. "Really?"

"Yes, ma'am. They're actually waiting for you upstairs in their studio. Would you like me to walk you?"

"I wouldn't want to take you from your work." You told her. "Can you tell me how to get there?"

She did so, and you thanked her before heading off. There was a note on the door of the studio, and it read 'Welcome to the team, Y/N.'. You smiled and knocked twice before opening it, finding something that made you tear up a little bit.

All eight boys were lined up in the studio, and when they saw you they all looked at Jongho with wide eyes. He couldn't stop smiling though, and they did their famous intro. They continued to run up to you like fanboys, which you laughed at.

"We've heard so much about you!"

"You're so pretty!"

"Why would Jongho hide you from us?"

"We're so glad that we finally get to meet you!"

You smiled at all of their compliments and statements. "It's very nice to finally meet all of you."

They quickly introduced themselves, and Seonghwa stood in front of you. "So, what changed his mind?"

"We got in a fight." Jongho answered truthfully. "It made me realize that I should show her off, rather than keep her 'hidden', as she says."

"At least someone can knock some sense into him." Wooyoung joked.

"Wait!" San yelled. "Were you putting off introducing her to us because she's not Korean?"

Jongho's eyes went wide. "Uh, yeah."

"Why?" Hongjoong questioned. "As long as she makes you happy and treats you right, then that should be all that matters."

"Exactly." Jongho agreed. "And I'm fully aware of that now."

You smiled and went up to him, grabbing his hand and giving him a quick kiss. "This means a lot to me, Jongho."

"I'm glad." He smiled. "I knew I needed to make it up to you. I'm really sorry for treating you the way I did."

"You probably did it to protect me." You replied. "But I'm really glad that I have you in my life."

"Me too, Y/N. I promise to show you off to everyone I know, because you're a gem that deserves to be seen."


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