ateez 'as your'.

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ateez as your best friend.

•takes you out.
•watches the stars with you.
•spends the night 24/7.
•your family loves him.

•shops with you.
•cuddles you when you're sad.
•always has a backup charger for you.
•laughs the hardest when he's with you.

•gives you his hoodies when you're cold.
•makes food for you.
•goes over your homework with you.
•dances with you in your bedroom.

•tells you how gorgeous you are all the time.
•takes amazing care of you.
•cries when you cry.
•laughs when you get in trouble by someone older.

•buys you new plushies.
•dyes your hair for you whenever you ask him to.
•looks at jewelry with you.
•super hyper when he's with you.

•raps for you.
•adores your acne, and you admire his.
•talks with you about a lot of serious things.
•so funny, you're always laughing when you're with him.

•super flirtatious, and gets jealous easily.
•"y/n, your are the most gorgeous person I've ever seen, and I'm glad you're my best friend, and no else's"
•gives you really nice skin care tips.
•pretends he's your boyfriend when you're in public together.

•teases you with no mercy.
•breaks apples so you guys can share it.
•sings to you whenever you're upset.
•appreciates you with his whole heart.



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