stop commenting this.

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i know it's been a little bit since i published anything for this book, but i wanted to say what i should have said a long time ago.

stop degrading yourselves in my comments.

i know that some of my books and some of the imagines in this book aim towards self hate, but i write about that stuff to teach the lesson that there's always room for you to give yourself some love.

i know the journey is hard, but instead of commenting things like "beauty? what beauty?", "confidence? what confidence?", or "same" to a characters self hatred, don't comment at all. that can be the first step.

if that doesn't make sense, let me put it this way. when you look in the mirror and smile, tell yourself that you look pretty, how does it make you feel? does it make you feel good? does it make you feel confident, even if it's in that moment? maybe so, hopefully so.

now, imagine looking at yourself in the mirror and calling yourself names, degrading yourself. automatically, any confidence you had built up will falter, and you'll feel bad about yourself. telling yourself things like that will get to your head.

trust me, i get those days where i just feel awful and i don't want to be seen. however, i tell myself that it's okay and i do some self care to make myself feel better.

baby steps if you're not ready for the big ones. it's hard, but you'll get there.

so, please please please, don't degrade yourself in my comments. it makes me terribly upset to see such wonderful people doing that to themselves.

you all give me endless support as a a writer and as a human being, so i'm here to be your support beam as you walk away from hating yourself in any way, and loving yourself for exactly who you are, even if it takes a while.


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