choi san; request.

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character; yandere!mafia!choi san x blind!reader.

Your father was on the couch, staring at the framed photo of your mother. When she got sick, he had to dish out almost all of his money- he was willing to spend every penny he had to save his wife. However, he had to start getting some money from someone he didn't really want to, but he was desperate. He got money from Choi San, a local mafia leader, and now he was in serious debt to the man.

Your father knew that he would come to the house, asking for his money back, but he didn't want you to be in the house when it happened. So he almost felt relieved when someone knocked on the door and he found it to be San, but he knew things could go wrong.

"Where's my money?" San asked.

"I- I don't have it yet, San. I told you I wouldn't be getting paid for another week."

"That's not good enough." San shook his head. "Find me the money, now."

As your father started making desperate calls, San looked at all of the pictures hanging on the wall. He saw one that made him stop; a picture of you and your dog.

"You know what?" San sounded, making your dad turn to him. "Give me your daughter instead."

"Absolutely not! My child is not a trade deal." Your father snapped. "I will find your money!"

San walked over to your father as he pulled a gun out of his pocket. "Maybe I didn't make myself clear. It wasn't a request, it was a demand. Give me your daughter, and you won't have to find that money."

"I said-"

The front door opened, and both men looked up at to find you. "Dad! I'm home!"

You were out walking your precious puppy while everything was happening, and your father really hoped you'd be out for a little while longer. "Hi, dear. How was your walk?"

"Good." You replied slowly, sensing strange tension. "What's going on?"

You suddenly felt an arm snake around your waist, someone's breath on your neck. "You still don't want to give your daughter to me?"

"I will pay the debt next week! Just don't hurt my daughter and get her involved in this! Ple-"

San shot your father, and you gasped as you felt your surroundings to run to him, your cloudy eyes watering as you felt what you knew was blood. At that moment, you were glad you couldn't see; you didn't want to see your fathers lifeless body on the floor.

"What was that for?!" You yelled as you stood up. "What did he do to you?!"

"You'll know eventually." San said, grabbing your arm with a surprisingly gentle touch. "But for now, you're coming home with me."

"No!" You tried to get out of his grip, but he was too strong, so you gave up. "Let me bring my dog at least."

"Anything for my princess."

It was two months later, and you'd been staying with San in his mansion. Well, not really staying, more like being held hostage, but you were starting to warm up to him. You couldn't help it really, he was just so caring and he gave you the attention you needed, but you felt something in his touch that scared you.

You tried to get out of bed, but San's grip around your waist was too tight. "San, I just want to go shower."

He hummed. "I thought you were going to try and run away from me. We'll shower together."

You let out a disappointed sigh. Even though you were kind of warming up to him, you needed privacy. He was always with your every second of the day and he never let you do anything by yourself. So, you took your shower together, his caring nature shining through as he washed your hair for you and wrapped you up in a towel afterwards.

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