choi san.

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You were walking back home from your work place, and it was fairly late at night, so you were being cautious of your surroundings. You were nearing your apartment complex when you felt something hit the back of your legs, making you jump.

You turned around and sighed in relief at the sight of a cat. "You scared me."

You leaned down and checked to see if the cat had a collar, and it did, but the only information was the cat's name. "San, what a pretty name. My name's Y/N."

You picked the cat up and double checked for the gender, and he was a boy like you suspected after seeing his name.

"I suppose I'll take you in and make you my cat." You smiled.

He purred as you scratched behind his ear, making you laugh. You unlocked the door to your apartment and stepped inside, putting San down. After getting settled and changed into more comfortable clothes, you grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and put some water in it, setting it on the floor. Then you grabbed some salami from the fridge and sat next to San, feeding it to him.

After you had fed him, you headed to your bed and he happily followed, jumping up on the bed as you slid under the covers. He laid next to you and you stroked his back affectionately.

"Tomorrow we'll go to the vet and get you checked up, then we'll get everything you need to be comfortable here."

You smiled to yourself before turning over and falling asleep.

When you woke up the next morning, you could hear light breathing, but it didn't exactly sound like cat breathing. You panicked a little bit and slowly sat up, looking over to your right.

"Holy mother of-"

You literally fell out of bed and landed on your butt, letting out a small 'ow".


You looked up and saw the handsome man that was laying in your bed looking down at you.

"How do you know my name?" You asked, backing away from the bed.

"It's me, San!" He smiled.

"San is my cat."

He giggled. "A hybrid cat, silly."

"I - okay. What did I feed you last night when I brought you inside, then?"

"Salami and you also put water in a black bowl for me to drink."

You were flabbergasted. There was no way he could've known that unless he was actually the cat you picked up last night.

"Okay," You sighed. "You're a hybrid?"

"I am. My last owner passed away, so I had to roam around as a cat until I found a new one, and I found you! So, now I can be human again."

"That's great." You smiled. "I guess we don't need to go to the vet then, huh?"

San laughed and looked down, his eyes widening. "Um, Y/N. Do you happen to have any boy clothes?"

"Oh my gosh, you're naked aren't you?"

"Yep." He said, popping the 'p'.

You got up and thankfully, he was covered by the blankets. You went to your dresser and dug around in the drawer where your brother left extra clothes, just in case he wanted to stay over.

You found them and handed them to San, leaving the room afterward so he could change. When he opened the door, you had to admit that he looked really nice in the joggers and white t-shirt you gave him.

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