park seonghwa.

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"Y/N, the prince is looking for a wife today!" Your mom announced as she ran into your bedroom.

You looked up at her. "That's nice, Mom."

"Well? Don't you want to go and be a candidate?"

"Mom, you know we don't come from a wealthy family. Besides, there are better candidates than me."

Though you did take a liking to the prince of your kingdom, you knew he wouldn't pick you as a wife when the time came, but you were understanding of that. You had talked to him a few times, since he wandered around the kingdom. He's a very nice prince, he's respectful, he's funny, and he's extremely handsome.

"Just go anyways." She sighed.

"Fine, only because I want to get out of the house."

And you wanted to see the prince.

She clapped as she left your room, making you chuckle. You started getting ready to go to the Palace, picking out your best dress to wear over there. After you were completely ready, you grabbed your belongings and headed out.

As you walked down the street, several people said hello to you, as you were fairly known around the kingdom. When you reached the Palace gates, you bowed to the guards and headed inside the large open doors of the royal residence.


You looked down to see one of the younger children that you played with in the town center.

"Hello, Miyoung. What are you doing all alone?" You questioned.

"My sister is off in the front somewhere, trying to make the prince fall in love with her. Are you here for the prince?"

You chuckled. "I just came to watch, really."

"I bet the prince would love you. You're so sweet and pretty."

You grabbed Miyoung's hand and headed to the snack area. "Thank you, Miyoung."

By the snack table, there was a group of three smaller kids, children that you knew.

"Y/N!" They yelled once they saw you.

They attacked your legs, making you laugh. "Hi, guys. Are your sisters here for the prince?"

They all nodded sullenly. "Well, why don't I make you guys some food and we sit at one of the tables."

They all nodded excitedly as you made their food, handing their plates to them so they could go sit down, and you gladly sat with them.

Little did you know that the prince watched the whole thing. He smiled to himself watching you care for the children that were left behind by their older sisters. The few times he spoke to you, he really could sense how caring you were for other people. He really liked you, and felt that you would make great princess material, but he didn't want to put you in that position if you didn't want to be.

He made his way down the stairs, toward the table you and the four children were seated. "Good evening, Y/N."

You looked up and smiled brightly, bowing your head at him. "Hello, Prince Seonghwa. How are you today?"

He smiled at you. "A bit worried that I won't find my princess in that group."

You and the children followed his gaze to the large group near the thrones, where Seonghwa would sit and choose his wife. Miyoung frantically tapped your shoulder.

"Y/N, you're not in that group! Maybe you're his princess."

Your cheeks got hot, knowing that the prince heard that.

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