kang yeosang | request.

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request for KpopHoe7106 , happy birthday, love<3

Yeosang woke you up with a gentle kiss to your neck. You mumbled sleepily and rubbed your eyes, looking up at your boyfriend.

"Happy anniversary, baby." He whispered.

You smiled and leaned up, hugging his neck. "Happy anniversary."

You and Yeosang had been dating for exactly three years that day, and he always went out of his way to make sure the two of you celebrated big. He helped you off the bed and pulled you into a hug, before pulling you out to the kitchen.

You smiled as you sat down, the cute balloons and the cake on the counter making your heart flutter. "How early did you get up this morning?" You asked.

He smiled and handed you a plate of food. "Six, but there's no such thing as too early if it's for you, Y/N."

He sat down across from you and you started eating. "So, how about we start the day with shopping?" He suggested.

"Sounds fun. Can we watch a movie later tonight?"

"Of course." He smiled.

You smiled back, his smile always making you happy. "It's crazy that we've been together for so long. I'm really grateful that I have you in my life, Yeosang."

"I'm glad I have you too, Y/N."

After you finished breakfast, you put your plates in the kitchen sink and went back to the bedroom. You changed into some black skinny jeans and a cute t-shirt (probably one of Yeosang's), and he changed into jeans and a tucked in shirt, topped off with one of his belts. You guys grabbed your things and he grabbed your hand, walking outside.

You didn't live far from all of the strip malls, so you took the chance to walk on such a beautiful day. Yeosang took you into a one of the more expensive stores, and you looked at him funny.

"Yeo, this place is expensive." You whispered.

He shrugged and kissed your hand. "So what? Just get whatever you want."

You were hesitant, but you did start looking around the store, and at one point, you saw Yeosang looking at a hoodie, and you could tell he really liked it. So, after you picked out an outfit, (that Yeosang loved on you, by the way), he paid for it.

"You can go to the next store, I'm gonna use the restroom." You told him.

He nodded and stepped out of the store, and you took the chance to grab the hoodie and pay for it. "You and your boyfriend are so cute." The girl at the register said.

You smiled and grabbed the bag. "Thank you so much."

The two of you said bye to each other and you walked out, Yeosang looking at you funny since you had a bag in your hand.

"Here, baby. I saw you looking at it." You said, handing him the bag.

He took it and opened it, and you loved how he smiled and put his hand over his heart. "Thank you, Y/N."

He hugged you and you wrapped your arms around his neck. "You're welcome, and thank you for the outfit."

He kissed you in reply and walked you into a cute little ice cream shop.

"This is so cute." You mumbled.

"I know. I thought of you when I saw it."

You playfully slapped his arm at his cheesy remark, but you couldn't help the smile playing at your lips. You guys ordered your ice cream and sat at one of the tables.

"You know you mean the world to me, right?" He asked.

"I know. You tell me at least three times a week."

He laughed and admired you lovingly, but you didn't notice since you were eating your ice cream. He smiled to himself, telling himself for the hundredth time how lucky he was to have you. He always felt butterflies when you did something cute, which was all the time in his eyes, and he was the happiest man ever because of you.

After you finished your ice cream, you went back home and started watching a movie that both of you really liked. He laid his head in your lap while you played with his hair, and his hand was on your thigh, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into your skin. You always loved when he laid in your lap, because you could admire him without him totally noticing that you were staring at him.

After the movie he leaned up and kissed you. "I'll be right back." He whispered.

You watched him walk off into the bedroom and come back with a note in his hand. You looked at him confused as you took the note from him.

He smiled. "Read it."

You smiled and opened it, reading each word of the note happily, his words of true love making your heart jump and your cheeks burn up. As you got to the bottom of the note, you didn't notice, but Yeosang got down on one knee. As you read the last four words, you gasped and covered your mouth, your eyes watering. 'Will you marry me?'.

You looked up, and the tears finally spilled as you saw your boyfriend on one knee, holding an absolutely breathtaking ring in his hands.

"Yes! Yes, Yeosang!" You cried, jumping off the couch and hugging him.

He laughed and hugged you tight, pulling away to slip the ring on your ring finger. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you, too."



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