song mingi | my demon | pt.1.

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You jerked up in your bed at the sound of a loud crash outside your bedroom. You slowly sat up and watched the door, confused. You had been hearing noises all week, and you had no explanation for any of them. They were all loud and fast, all while you were asleep and it woke you up every time. It was getting really tiring, literally.

But this time, something happened.

Your doorknob turned and your door creaked open, and you scrambled to the corner of your bed, your back hitting the wall, except, no one was behind the door.


You jumped off your bed at the sound of a voice right next to your ear, and you ran across your room and to your door, sliding down it.

"I'm sorry if I made you mad! I don't want to die!" You cried.

You heard laughter and you looked up, and actually saw a boy sitting on your bed.

"What the hell?"

The boy laughed even harder and you slowly stood up. "I'm sorry, your face was priceless!" He laughed.

"How did you get in my house?" You asked. "Where did you even come from?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, Y/N. I haven't even introduced myself," He started. "My name's Mingi, and I'm the demon that's been living with you since you were a baby." He smiled.

You opened your mouth to say something but closed it, absolutely speechless. "Um, okay, wow. I don't even know what to say."

Mingi smiled and watched your confused expression. He had always been attached to you, looked out for you, and made sure you were always okay, even though he was a demon and that was the absolute opposite of what he should've been doing.

"Were you the one making all the noise this past week?" You asked.

He rubbed the back of his neck and scrunched his nose. "Sorry, I'm a little clumsy."

"Jeez." You groaned. "I thought I was gonna die!"

"Sorry. I felt like I needed to make my presence known."

You glared at him and walked towards your bed, and you noticed how he scooted a good distance away from you. "Why me?"

"I just got attached." He shrugged. "I couldn't help myself."

"That's gonna be your excuse when you possess me, huh?"

He scoffed. "I'm not going to possess you, Y/N."

You shook your head. "I just don't understand how this is happening. I'm talking to a demon."

"You should be lucky. Remember that time that girl almost punched you your sophomore year of high school, and she tripped on herself just before she could hit you? Yeah, you're welcome."

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