reactions | request.

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their reaction to you being pregnant and emotional.


He's really worried about you

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He's really worried about you. He notices how distant you're getting and how you don't like to be touched, and he feels like it's his fault.

"Baby, am I doing something wrong? You've been so quiet and distant lately." He asks, a small pout on his lips.

You look at him smile gently. "No, Hongjoong. My hormones are just all over the place."


Seonghwa is very aware of how clingy and needy you are, but he thinks he knows why, since you are carrying his child

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Seonghwa is very aware of how clingy and needy you are, but he thinks he knows why, since you are carrying his child. One day, however, you come home basically in tears.

"Hwa! I need hugs!"

He gets up from the couch and hugs you. "What happened, Y/N?"


Yunho is very anxious about how you're acting

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Yunho is very anxious about how you're acting. You're emotional, you're needy, you're clingy, and he's starting to think that you're getting too anxious.

"Babe?" You yell through the house. "Can we go to the doctor, I think-"

Yunho comes out from the kitchen and gently grabs your shoulder. "Y/N, stop being so anxious. The doctor said this stuff is normal, okay? This stress tat you're putting on yourself isn't good for you or the baby."

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