choi san.

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"Look at this one, Y/N."

You walked over to San and looked at the video game in his hands. "You have to find the key to the chest without getting caught by the lady? It sounds interesting."

"Yeah, and look at the pictures from the game. It looks so cool."

You smiled and told him to get it, and you went back to your apartment afterwards. You and San had been best friends ever since elementary school; you guys were pretty much inseparable.

When you got home, San put the game into his console and stared playing, while you watched in curiosity. The game did look super fun, and it was definitely the type of game that kept you alert. The lady had long black hair and no eyes, and her nails were super sharp; she looked pretty scary. It was also pretty hard, and San couldn't find the key.

"Can you imagine if this was something that happened in real life. It would be so hard to get away from the lady." San said.

He paused the game and stretched, joining you on the couch. "That's probably why it's not a real thing, San." You laughed.

He smiled. "Probably."

Later that night you heard an extremely loud noise, and it jerked you awake. You hopped off your bed and ran out of your room, shocked at what you saw. There was a huge green portal in your living room, and you began to think that maybe you were still asleep.

But then you saw the lady.

She stepped out of the portal and you tried to run, but she grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the portal.

You woke up and immediately sat up, looking around. It was dark, and the area looked exactly like the first area in San's video game. You spotted San and quickly ran over to him, shaking him awake.

"What?" He groaned. "I was sleeping really good."

He sat up and both of you stood up. "San, we're in your video game!"

He laughed. "That's ridiculous-"

He cut himself off as he looked over your shoulder. You looked back and saw the lady, so you grabbed San's hand and started running.

"Come back here!" The lady screamed.

You turned a corner and saw a wardrobe. "San, lets hide in the wardrobe."

You quickly got into the big wooden closet and shut the door, hearing the lady's breathing moments later. San's grip on your hand tightened and you held your breath, until she groaned and stormed off. You waited a couple more moments before stepping out of the wardrobe and making your way down the hallway.

"Okay, how are we supposed to find the key?" San asked.

"Well, first we need to find out where the chest is, then we can look for clues to where the key is."

You quietly made your way down the hallways and looked in every room, until you finally found the chest you needed.

"Okay, now that we know where it is, we can go find the key." You whispered.

"I don't think so!"

You looked down the hallway and saw the lady. You shuddered once you saw her nails, and you started running as fast as you could. Unfortunately, San tripped, and the lady grabbed his foot and dragged him away from you. You watched in horror as she stabbed him, and he faded away. Your breathing got heavy and you started running again, hiding once you found a good spot.

All you could think about was where San was, or where he could've gone after that, and then you felt something hit your shoulder. You yelped and backed away slightly, only to see San.

"You scared me!" You whisper-yelled.

"I'm sorry! I didn't know I'd show up here." He whispered. "Luckily this game has a three lives mechanic, so I have two lives left."

You nodded and opened the wardrobe, looking down the hallway. The lady was at the end of it with her back turned to you, and you noticed something small and silver hanging out of her dress.

"San, the key is in her freaking dress." You sighed.

"Are you kidding me? Maybe that's why I never found it when I played. I was always running away from her."

You smiled at his statement and looked back down the hallway, but she was gone.

"I think the only way to do it is to just grab it and run."

San looked at you with wide eyes. "Are you kidding?"

You shook your head. "No."

After searching for the lady, you found her walking around in one of the rooms.

"Okay, you stand by the door, and if something happens, I'll throw the key to you. If everything works out fine, let's run for it."

"Y/N, you're not-"

You turned around and quietly ran towards the woman, taking the key out of her dress. Surprisingly, you ran off just in time to get away from her, and you and San bolted for the chest room. Once you got to the chest, you quickly unlocked it and saw an oddly shaped ring. San picked it up just as the lady walked in, turning around.

The lady saw it and shrieked as she backed away. "Put that down!" She screamed.

You and San looked at each other, before San started walking forward with it. The lady walked backwards, backing into the wall. She screamed as San got closer, until he was so close that she just disappeared in a cloud of particles.

Before you and San could even victory hug, that big green portal came back, sucking both of you into it.

You woke up on the living room floor and groaned, adjusting to the light. San was waking up as well, and you tackled him as you threw your arms around his neck.

"We're okay!" You yelled.

He laughed and hugged you back. "Thank goodness."

You unattached your arms from his neck and pulled his shirt up a little bit, where the lady stabbed him. "Well, the lady got you in the game, but luckily you don't have a scar or anything."

He sighed in relief and patted your head. "Next time we buy video games, make sure we read the fine print."


a/n: I hope you guys are having a great day/night<3

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a/n: I hope you guys are having a great day/night<3

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