jung wooyoung.

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Your step brothers pushed you onto the ground and handed you a soapy sponge. "Since you don't get to go to the ball, clean up while we're gone, Y/N."

You glared as you watched both of them walk out of the palace, scrubbing the floor angrily. Doyun and Daeho always made you clean the palace, since they were always being invited to fancy places, dancing with queens and princesses, while you got your dress dirty.

Unfortunately, if you didn't do as they told you, you would get in trouble by your step mother, and you truly didn't like being yelled at by her. So, after a solid hour or so of scrubbing the foyer floor and the living room floor, you were finished. You went up to your bedroom and laid on your bed, watching the sunset.

You'd always wanted to go to a ball; the beautiful floors, dresses, and music intrigued you immensely, and you were envious of your evil step brothers. They always bragged about how much fun they were, and made fun of you since you couldn't go to one, but deep down, you knew that you'd get the chance to attend one some day.

After the sun completely set, you went outside into your front yard, laying on the grass. The breeze felt nice on your skin, and the beautiful sounds of nature put you at ease, and you would've fallen asleep if you didn't hear a strange noise from the bushes, but you ignored it and closed your eyes again.


You jumped up at the soft voice and met eyes with a handsome stranger with a... ring in his hand?

"That's me?" You replied.

"Obviously, silly. I know who you are." He laughed. "I'm Wooyoung, your fairy god-friend."

You tilted your head. "Like the fairy godmother in Cinderella'?"

"Yes. Except I'll be your best friend instead of your godmother."

You nodded slowly. "'Cinderella' is coming true right now, isn't it?"

"In a way, but not exactly." He stood up and helped you to your feet. "This is for you, love."

He grabbed your ring finger and slipped it onto your hand. "What is it?"

"It's a ring that I've had for a long time now. It's very important to me, so I figured I'd give it to you. After all, you are my best friend now."

"Don't you have other god-friends?" You asked.

"You're my only one, and you will be the only one."

You nodded slowly and walked into the palace, letting him take your hand as you went up the stairs. "I'm gonna take a wild guess, and say that you're here to help me enjoy an evening at the ball tonight?"

He laughed and patted your shoulder. "This isn't actually 'Cinderella', Y/N. I'm here to help you embarrass your step-brothers as revenge for all those times they made you scrub the floor, but you will enjoy your night."

"Revenge? How?"

"Show them that you're superior to them. Show them that they shouldn't have made you clean for them all these years," He paused. "And maybe trip them a couple times while they're dancing."

You and Wooyoung walked into the ball, arm in arm. He was wearing a very nice suit, and your gown was luxurious. How Wooyoung aqquired it? You weren't exactly sure - it kinda just, popped up out of nowhere. You walked through the crowds and got to the middle of the room, and Wooyoung suddenly dipped you, your faces inches away from one another.

"Your step-brothers are right there. Kiss me."


You were cut off by a gentle kiss, which you returned. He pulled away and both of you stood back up.

"What was that for?" You asked.

"Skinship is a way of showing happiness in a relationship. Pretend we've been together for about seven months, your step-brothers are right there."

He smiled and you looked over, bowing curtly at your step-siblings. "What are you doing here, Y/N? You weren't invited." Doyun grumbled.

"My boyfriend was, and he brought me along." You replied, leaning into Wooyoung.

"Your boyfriend? How long have you had a boyfriend?" Daeho asked.

"About seven month."

Daeho frowned. "Why didn't we know?"

You shrugged. "You were too busy making me scrub the floor. How would I ever have the time to have a nice conversation with you?"

You smiled and waved, walking off with Wooyoung. He started dancing with you again, and you got lost in his eyes as you danced to the beautiful music that you'd always dreamed of dancing to. He started twirling you, and you accidentally bumped into someone, who you found out to be Daeho. He fell over and you stifled a laugh, turning back to Wooyoung

"Let's get some food. I'm so hungry." You said.

He nodded and you walked over to the food table, snacking lightly. Wooyoung got a drink and looked to his right, seeing Doyun. He grinned and bent over, as if he was trying to pick something up off the ground, 'accidentally' spilling his drink on Doyun's pants.

"Oh, goodness! I am so sorry." Wooyoung grinned. "I'm sure you can just get a new pair of pants though, right?"

Doyun grumbled something under his breath and walked away from Wooyoung, making Wooyoung grin triumphantly. He went back over to you and grabbed your hand, watching as you checked your watch.

"My step mother will be back at the palace soon! I have to go!"

You ran off and Wooyoung watched in confusion. Only when the ballroom doors shut, did he feel something in his hand, only to see the ring he gave you when he looked in his palm.

After getting a thorough yelling at from your step-mother, you changed into pajamas and fell onto your bed, looking out the window into the night sky.

"It's pretty, huh?"

You looked over and saw Wooyoung, and you sat up. "Yeah."

He looked over at you and grabbed your hand, pulling you closer and opening his hand. "You left this with me whenever you rushed out of the ballroom."

You looked down at the ring and let him put it back on your finger. "In 'Cinderella', the prince brings back the left behind item." You smiled.

He smiled and cupped your cheek. "This isn't 'Cinderella', Y/N. This is you, and in this story, I'm your prince."



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