jung wooyoung.

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You pulled your cap down and your mask up further, right under your eyes. You couldn't afford anyone recognizing you, or else your plan would be completely ruined. You hoped for a smooth journey to South Korea from the states, where you could start fresh, and hopefully no one would know who you were.

Princess Y/N.

You sighed and leaned your head against the window of the plane. You hated being a princess, it was absolutely awful. Everyone was always at your hand and foot, which you didn't like, and the kingdom treated the servants and everyone else so badly, and you couldn't do anything about it. So, you'd finally had enough and snuck out of the kingdom to board a three a.m. flight, and you already had an apartment set up in Seoul.

After the long flight, you stretched and grabbed your luggage, and went into the airport, grabbing whatever was left from the baggage claim. You hailed a taxi and informed him on which apartment complex you were going to, and he looked back at you.

"You're awfully young to be in such a nice apartment complex, those are like penthouses."

"What can I say?" You smiled. "I've always been independent."

He nodded and turned back around, and you looked out the window as he drove through the city. Soon, you pulled up to the complex, and you gave him some money while you thanked him, shutting the door. You sighed after he drove off and headed inside, getting your key and taking the elevator up to your apartment. It was one of the penthouse apartments on the top floor, so you were excited to relax and admire the view.

You walked in and dropped your stuff by the door, making sure to lock it after you, and admired the apartment. It was absolutely beautiful, with white interior, luxury furniture, a big window for the view, and you were very grateful. It was about ten p.m., and you were extremely jet lagged, so you laid on the couch and passed out right there.

When you woke up the next morning due to your alarm, you yawned and got off the couch, going to take a shower. You had to finish high school, but you were excited to make new friends, and experience a new school. Well, any school, really. You were homeschooled, so you didn't make a lot of friends.

After your shower you changed into one of your favorite outfits and finished getting ready. You grabbed your phone and backpack, along with your mask, putting it on before you walked out the door.

Since you planned ahead and bought a car before you arrived, it was waiting for you in the garage of the complex, and it wasn't like you were spending the King and Queen's money, it was yours that you had saved up for emergencies

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Since you planned ahead and bought a car before you arrived, it was waiting for you in the garage of the complex, and it wasn't like you were spending the King and Queen's money, it was yours that you had saved up for emergencies. You also didn't buy a car that was too nice, since you didn't want to draw attention to yourself.

You got to school and went straight to the office, where a sweet lady smiled at you and handed you your schedule.

"Miss L/N, I hope you have a wonderful first day. You look very lovely, by the way." She said.

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