kang yeosang | the angel | pt.1.

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"Y/N? Come here!"

You turned to look at your God, walking up to her. "Yes ma'am?"

"I've been thinking about something for quite a while now." She paused, sighing. "I've been told that I need to send one of my angels down to earth to live as a normal human, and I've thought very deeply, and I want that angel to be you."

Your eyes grew wide, and you tilted your head. "Why me, exactly?"

"You're my best angel, and truly I think you're the only one who can handle being on earth." She said.

You were born into a world that wasn't earth, and you had never been to any other world besides the one you lived in.

"Can you handle it, Y/N?" She asked.

You thought for a moment, before looking up at her with determination. "I know I can."

You woke up with a groan, looking at all of the green and brown surrounding you. As you got up, you became aware of the loud noise coming from your right and looked over, seeing a bunch of cars.

If it weren't for your God teaching you about normal earth things, (cars, trees, the sky, buildings, etc.), you would have no idea what was happening. Since you lived on clouds and what not, you weren't used to seeing stuff like this, so you watched it all for a second.

After you were done observing, you started walking across the street when it was clear, and joined all of the people on the sidewalk. You were honestly kind of scared, not knowing anyone or not knowing where to go. You knew everyone in your world, and you never had to worry about strangers, but now you were surrounded by them. You hugged yourself and started walking, until you saw a big sign that said library.

You always read, and maybe you could find something that could help you out. You hurried into the building, relieved that it was pretty empty. You made your way in between the shelves and looked at the titles of the books, surprised at the fact that you've read a lot of them.

You weren't paying attention to your surroundings, and you ended up bumping into someone. "I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going."

You looked up and saw a boy, smiling down at you. "Don't worry about it."

You nodded and looked back down, nervously playing with your hands. "Um, do you know where I could find a home?"

He furrowed his eyebrow. "You don't have one?"

You shook your head and averted your gaze. "I just got here- where are we, exactly?"

"Seoul, South Korea," He paused. "If you need a place to stay, you can stay with me until you get something figured out."

"I wouldn't burden you like that. It's very generous and I thank you for that."

He smiled and glanced at the books, then back at you. "I don't think I'd be able to sleep knowing you're out here alone."

You thought for a moment before nodding. "Okay. I'll stay with you then."

He smiled and started walking, so you followed him out into the parking lot, and to his car. He opened the door for you, so you got in and he followed seconds later. He started driving, and you remembered something. "I never even got your name!" You laughed.

"Oh, right. I'm Yeosang." He started. "You are?"

"Y/N. It's very nice to meet you."

He smiled, and the car went silent as he drove. You admired everything that went by, and Yeosang thought it was incredibly cute as you rested your chin in your palm, and you unknowingly smiled. He pulled into a driveway, and both of you got out. You followed him up the steps and he let you into his house.

"This is very pretty. I've never seen so much color in one house. I usually saw white in our homes." You told him.

He blinked a few times. "Thank you."

He walked off, and you again followed him, into what you presumed to be his kitchen. "Are you sure I can stay? I don't want to cause trouble."

"I'm positive, Y/N." He smiled. "Let's eat something."

After Yeosang had gone to bed, you got up and walked over to one of the big windows he had in his living room, sitting in front of it. You looked up at the night sky and wondered what your friends were doing, and started to tear up a bit. You weren't going back up to your world, and you missed everyone already.

You stretched as you let your wings unfold, the beautiful white, feathery appendages the length of the window you were sitting in front of. You brought your knees to your chest and never took your eyes off the stars.

You didn't know, but Yeosang had walked in a few minutes later and stopped in his tracks, completely shocked at the sight. He knew something was off about you, not necessarily in a bad way, but he definitely didn't think you were a supernatural being. He thought it was really beautiful, actually. The way the moonlight was shining through the window, outlining your wings and torso perfectly, and your skin was literally glowing.


You turned around and stood up so fast, you almost got dizzy. "Yeosang! I thought you were asleep?"

"I was, but I got thirsty." He smiled.

"Um, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out."

"No, you didn't freak me out. It's actually really interesting, and your wings are really pretty, too."

You blushed, and you hoped he couldn't tell. "Thank you." You whispered.

He walked over and sat down in a chair, motioning for you to do the same, so you folded your wings back in and sat across from him.

"Where did you come from?" He asked.

"My God sent me here from Lazarus. It's the world a lot of angels are born into so that they're raised in a world that they belong to. She told me that since I was her best angel, she made the decision to send me here, and I can never go back."

You looked at him, and he gently smiled. "Did you want to come here?"

"Yeah, but I miss my friends." You told him.

"I bet they miss you too, Y/N, but you've already made a friend down here."


"Well, yeah," He smiled. "Me."

You smiled, chuckling slightly. "I'm glad I can call you my very first friend on earth."

He got up and walked up to you, patting your head. "Good, because you're going to be spending a lot of time with me."



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