song mingi.

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You woke up feeling the coldness from the other side of the bed. You were alone, just like you had been for the past two weeks.

Your boyfriend, Mingi, was constantly busy. He was home after you fell asleep and gone before you woke up, and it was a recurring cycle. It upset you, but you understood that his job was a big part of his life and he was always busy, but you didn't understand why he was avoiding you.

You'd text him and tell him good morning, and only on occasion would he answer. You'd ask him how he's doing and he'd usually answer, but with a very short reply. You hadn't even heard 'I love you' from the man since the last time you saw him.

You sighed and got out of bed, showering and getting ready for the day. You put on your outfit for the day and topped it off with a white hat and your favorite pair of shoes.

As you headed to the kitchen, your phone started ringing. "Hello?" You answered.

"Hey girl, I'm already at the park." It was Yuna, your best friend.

"Okay. I'm on my way."

You hung up and grabbed your keys, skipping breakfast and heading to the park. When you got there you parked and walked over to the bench Yuna was at.

"Hey, Yuna." You smiled, hugging her.

"Hey, Y/N." She replied. "How have you been?"

The two of you caught up on a bunch of stuff for a few minutes, and then she asked a question that made your heart ache.

"How are you and Mingi?" She asked.

You sighed. "We're fine, I think. He's been really busy, and I feel like he's avoiding me a little bit."

"I'm sure he's not doing it on purpose."

"I don't think so. I just miss him and I haven't seen him in two weeks now."

She pursed her lips and poked your forehead. "You're too cute to pout, so let's get started on this project."

You and Yuna had partnered up on a project for one of your classes at the university you went to. It was pretty time-consuming, so the two of you went to the park every other day to work on it and get some fresh air all at once.

Once you had gotten another big part of your project done, both of you had decided that that was enough for the day. You both packed up and hugged goodbye, and you headed to your car. When you sat down, your stomach growled, letting you know that it was time to eat.

Since you were really hungry, you decided to go get something to eat from the cafe near your apartment. When you got there you happily headed in and got in line, ordering your food once it was your turn.

As you waited for your food, you heard a familiar laugh and looked over. Your heart dropped as you made eye contact with Mingi. He stopped laughing, making the seven other boys of ateez turn around. You averted your gaze as your name was called, and you grabbed your food, thanking the man as you headed out.

"Y/N!" Mingi called out.

You ignored him and kept walking. You felt like your heart had stopped beating as it ached for a hug from Mingi.

You went home and ate your food, then you sat down on the couch and watched dramas until you eventually fell asleep.

You were awake when the front door opened, and you didn't even bother looking at the man walking in.

"Hey, babe," Mingi said, as he kissed your cheek and sat down.

He watched your face as you ignored him, hoping for a sign that you weren't completely angry with him. He knew why you were angry, and he didn't blame you.

"Why aren't you asleep? It's late."

You finally looked at him dead in the eyes, completely dumbfounded. "We haven't seen each other in two weeks, and you ask me why I'm not asleep? Do you not want me to see me when you get home anymore, or when you wake up in the morning?"

You got up and tried to storm off into the kitchen, but Mingi followed you. He grabbed your hips and gently pushed you into the wall, getting only a couple of inches away from your face.

"Mingi, get off-"

He cut you off by pressing his lips to yours, kissing you roughly, but not too rough. He pulled away and cupped your cheek.

"I know why you're upset with me and I'm sorry. I really am." He whispered.

"If you knew what you were doing, why did you keep doing it?" You asked.

"I was really busy, but I also wanted to do this."

He kissed you one more time before grabbing your hand and taking you to the front door. "Cover your eyes, please." He whispered.

You covered your eyes with both hands and he led you outside, letting go of your hand.


You opened your eyes and you looked down at Mingi, who was on one knee holding a box with a beautiful ring inside of it, your eyes wide.

There was a big sign with lights, asking 'Will you marry me?', and the boys all had a rose in their hand, with a little paper wrapped around the stem.

"Yes! Oh my gosh, yes!" You exclaimed.

Mingi stood up and you wrapped your arms around his neck, and he wrapped his arms around your waist. He pulled away to kiss you sweetly.

"I love you, you know that right?" He asked.

"I know. I love you, too."

The boys walked over to you and stood in a line in front of you. You tilted your head and San smiled big at you.

"Open each note on the rose, it's really cute!" He exclaimed.

You opened the note on each rose as they were handed to you. Each piece of paper had something written on it that Mingi loved about you, and what made him love you even more every day. You were close to crying as you opened the last one.

'I knew you'd say yes. You just can't resist me.'

You laughed and playfully hit Mingi's chest. "You're lucky I didn't say no, you dork."

Mingi smiled and pulled you into his chest. "What were the chances of you saying no?"

"There was no way I was going to say no." You replied, making his smile grow.

He pecked your lips and rested his forehead on yours. "Exactly"



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