jeong yunho | BAU | pt.2.

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Yunho was about to open the front door to leave, but he stopped at the sound of knocking. He looked out the peephole, since you were always telling him how important it was to know who it was before opening the door, and when he saw two agents standing outside, he immediately opened the door.

"Yunho, we need you to come with us."

He nodded, and let the agents put him in their car and drive to headquarters. They walked him inside and took him to the conference room, where your team was waiting.

"What's going on? Where's Y/N?" Yunho asked.

"Have a seat." Minjoon told him.

Yunho sat down, watching your team carefully. "We have reason to believe Y/N was abducted on her way to work." Huiyin told him.

Yunho's heart dropped. "What? Why?"

Minjoon sighed. "The case we're working on right now are the murders of three victims." Minjoon started, and Yunho nodded, since you told him about every case you had. "But pictures of Y/N were found at every crime scene."

"She didn't tell me that." Yunho said, with a shaky breath.

"This unsub has a personal vendetta against her, and we're currently looking through old cases that have incidents that victims would deem Y/N's fault. This unsub probably thinks she ruined their life and they're trying to take revenge on her."

You woke up on the floor in a dimly lit room, with your wrists chained together. You sat up and looked around, seeing a door and a table, but you couldn't see what was on it. The door opened and you watched a man walk in, and stand right in front of you.

"Do you know why you're here, Agent L/N." He asked.

You didn't say anything but just looked at him, watching him as he walked to the other end of the chain that was dangling on the pulley, and he pulled so hard that you were yanked off the ground, and then he tied it to something heavy so that you would stay off the ground. Your feet were dangling, barely touching the floor, and you were yelling out in pain.

"Let me tell you why you're here, Y/N." He started. "Do you remember the Seoul killer case?"

"Yes, the man's name was Na Kangdae."

You suddenly remembered what happened in that case, and you looked back at your abductor. "You remember now don't you, Y/N? That specific case was the one where you goofed up real bad. You arrested me as a suspect, and I was not the guilty party. Do you remember my name?"

You nodded. "Jaegum."

He smiled. "Do you know what happened after you released me? Everyone left me, Y/N. They all said, 'they stare when we're out', 'I don't like the attention', or 'everyone thinks you're a freak now', and then I was lonely."

"It was a mistake, Jaegum."

"You're right, Agent L/N." He paused, grabbing a water hose off the table and grabbing the switch. "But I want you to feel what it's like to be lonely, and you will slowly die as all your loved ones die first, and you'll still be alive to feel the pain of losing them."

"Why would you kill me if you want me to feel lonely?"

"I thought about that, but you deserve to die, and so do your loved ones. Maybe I'll start with your team. Oh, you know what, maybe I'll start with that boyfriend of yours, Yunho?"

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