kang yeosang | the angel | pt.2.

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"Can I get some bulgogi, please?"

The waitress smiled and closed her notebook. "Absolutely. Your meal will be right out."

She walked away and you looked at Yeosang. "Your skin is glowing." He said.

"Because I'm happy." You smiled.

He chuckled. "Because of the food, or because of me?"

He rested his head in his palms, tilting his head at you cutely. "Hm, both."

He smiled and your heart fluttered at the sight, but that all stopped when your ears started ringing. You covered your ears and closed your eyes, waiting for it to stop.

"What?" Yeosang asked.

"My ears started ringing. You didn't hear it? It was really loud." You asked.

"I didn't hear anything." He paused. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I don't know what happened."

You looked around the restaurant and noticed two guys staring at you. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked away, wondering why they were staring at you so intensely, and it made your skin crawl.

After you and Yeosang ate lunch, you started walking through the city. He grabbed your hand and your cheeks got hot, but you hoped he didn't notice.

He laughed cutely. "Why are you blushing?"

"What? I'm not!" You pouted.

You looked at him and he pursed his lips. "Sure."

It had been a little over five months since you'd been on earth, and been with Yeosang, and you really liked him. He made you feel so happy and you couldn't imagine being without him. You weren't sure if he liked you back, but you had a feeling that he might, but you also didn't want to get your hopes up.

As you continued walking, you admired the flowers, the trees, the buildings, all while Yeosang admired you. He thought you were absolutely breathtaking and he was always so happy when he was with you.

"Do you wanna head home? We can watch movies and relax." He asked.

"Yeah. Sounds fun."

After the first movie, you stretched and patted Yeosang's head. "I'm gonna take a shower."

He nodded at you and you headed upstairs and into the bathroom. You turned the hot water on and hopped in, sighing at the relaxing feeling of warm water on your skin. You washed your hair, washed your body, got out and dried off, and as you were finishing getting dressed, you heard glass breaking. You opened the bathroom door and popped your head out.


No answer.

You went downstairs and saw that he wasn't on the couch anymore, you checked in the bathroom, in the laundry room, and finally in the kitchen, and you couldn't find him. Your heart dropped and you looked down at the broken glass, and thats when everything went dark.

You woke up in a surprisingly well lit room, but you were upright, your hands and feet tied to some metal table. You looked up and saw Yeosang in the exact same position you were in, except he wasn't awake like you were.

"Yeosang!" You yelled. "Yeosang! Wake up! Please!" You whimpered.

You heard a door open and you looked to your left, watching the two men that were staring at you from the restaurant walk in.

"Y/N. I'm glad you're finally awake. My name's Joowon, and this is Minjun-"

"Why are we here?" You asked.

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