jeong yunho.

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"Y/N," Jiwoo, your best friend, started. "If you keep staring at Mr. Jeong like that, people are going to notice."

You sighed. "I know, but I don't even realize I'm doing it."

Mr. Jeong, or Yunho, was your teacher, and you've had him since you started your first year of high school. You weren't sure how he was your teacher, as he was extremely young, but you weren't complaining about it. Halfway through the year, you had developed a major crush on him, and even though you knew it was wrong, your heart wanted who it wanted, plus, you were eighteen, it wasn't completely wrong.

You also weren't the only one who had eyes on him, unfortunately. Though you didn't make your crush noticeable, by touching him, or straight up flirting with him, you did stare at him, while some of your other classmates did make it extremely noticeable. It made you upset to see other people flirting with him, but there wasn't much you could do about it.

Lunch was finally over, and you and Jiwoo headed to your next class, but you were stopped by Seoyun, one of your classmates.

"Hey, Y/N. I was wondering if you'd help me with some homework for Mr. Jeong's class?" She said.

You, being the nice person you were, smiled at her. "Yeah, of course. Where do you want to meet up?"

"By our lockers?" She suggested.

You nodded and she walked off, and Jiwoo nudged you as you continued walking to class. "Y/N, you're going to help her?"

"If she needs help, she needs help, Jiwoo."

After school, you met up by yours and Jiwoo's locker, and you waited patiently for her. After about ten minutes of waiting, she showed up, but with at least four people behind her. She walked up to you and got in your face, grabbing your shirt.

"Tell me something, Y/N." She paused. "Do you have a thing for Mr. Jeong?"

You scrunched your eyebrows and shook your head. "No. Why would you think that?"

"I see the way you look at him, and let me tell you something," She stepped closer to you, making you push your back further into the lockers behind you. "He would never like someone like you. You're a goody two shoes, you're ugly, and you don't have a body to pull a man like Mr. Jeong."

She pulled you off the lockers, just to slam you back into them, and then she punched you in the face, hard. You felt your lip bust, and then she did it again, and you could feel your cheek bruising. She pushed you to the ground and kicked you in the ribcage.

"Learn your lesson, Y/N. You're not special." She snapped.

Her and the people that came to watch walked off, and you pushed yourself off the ground with a groan. You grabbed your stuff and walked towards the exit to the parking lot, wiping your mouth with your sleeve.

When you got home, you walked inside and your mom nearly fainted. "Y/N, what happened?!"

"Seoyun started a fight." You mumbled.

"Why?" You looked up at her, and she got the idea. "She's been verbally abusive towards you about your crush on Yunho, but she's never been physical with you."

"I don't know, Mom. Just, help me cover the bruises up in the morning?" You asked.

She nodded and patted your back. "Of course."

The next morning you woke up late, and you had absolutely no time for anything other than getting dressed and doing your morning routine. You actually completely forgot about the bruises, until you got to school two minutes before class started, and sat down in your seat.

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