choi san | cold blooded | pt. 2

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disclaimer: dark themes, such a murder and psychopathy

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disclaimer: dark themes, such a murder and psychopathy.

(I took as much smut out w/san in it that I could. there are still some suggestive/sexual parts, but I wanted to keep the idea of the storyline as close to the original as I could.)


"Come on, Y/N. You know what'll happen when I find you!"

You stayed quiet in your hiding spot. You loved playing this game with San - he always had a surprise for you when he found you. You were in one of the cabinets this time, and you heard him walk by, then stop dangerously close to you. You heard him grab the handle to the cabinet, then the small door swung open, and you were faced with San.

"You know I don't like this game." San whispered. "I'm beginning to think you like my punishments."

You smiled and crawled out of the cabinet. "I do like your punishments."


You nodded as your hands found their way to his thighs. You leaned in close to his face, but he stopped you with an aggressive hand to your throat. You laughed as he made you stand up with him, then his other hand was making its way up your shirt.

"You won't like this one, Y/N."

"Is that a challenge, Choi San?"

He made eye contact with you and licked his lips. "It's a warning."

He turned you around and grabbed a handful of your hair, making you walk in front of him. He threw you down onto the couch and put his leg in between your thighs.

"Strip for me, baby."

You started to unbutton your pants, but then you had an idea. "Why don't we go put on a show for our guest?"

"I don't want him seeing you like that-"

"He's going to die anyways, San. Come on, it'll be fun. We've never gotten intimate in front of one of our kills before." You said. "It'll be torture for this guy, you know he wants me underneath him."

He nodded. "That's exactly why I don't want to do it."

"Then I'm not stripping for you. You'll have to rip my clothes off of me."

He sat back on the couch and smirked. "I've done it before, I'll do it again."

You rolled your eyes and stood up, heading for the basement. You took your shirt off as you went downstairs, San right behind you.

"If you won't touch me, maybe he'll get what he was hoping for the whole time." You said as you looked at the man tied up in the chair.

You were about to grab the back of the chair when San pushed you back and into the wall. His hand was around your throat again, seriously cutting off your airflow, but you didn't mind.

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