christmas special.

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disclaimer: kinda spooky, kinda dark

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disclaimer: kinda spooky, kinda dark.


We're here.

Wake up.

Help us.

Your eyes opened and you could no longer move. Sleep paralysis again? Let us in. You shook your head at the voices outside. You just needed to move.

Your bedroom door opened and you saw him- San was his name- and behind him, seven others. They surrounded you, staring down at you like hungry wolves.

"Please," you whispered. "Not tonight. It hurts."

Mingi bent down and grabbed your limp, numb forearm. "But we need it."

You shook your head. "Find someone else. I can't take this anymore."

"But you taste good." Wooyoung grabbed your ankle. "So sweet."

You wanted to scream, but when your mouth opened, not a single sound came out. Hongjoong smiled and bent down to be next to your ear. "It'll only hurt for a second, I promise."

You woke up, looked at your arms.

Missing flesh and teeth marks- all over your arms, legs, stomach. Your eyelids fluttered and darkness was all that was seen. Why did they tantalize you like this? You would rather have actual sleep paralysis and have them be a complete figment of your imagination. Instead, you dreamt of sleep paralysis, and your demons gnawed on your flesh all night long.

And they weren't figments of your imagination. They were real- you saw them in the hospital where you worked, standing over your patients and watching you as you were on the clock.

God, your skin burned.

You had to shower, but it would be so painful. Dreading it, you went to the bathroom and stripped, looked at yourself in the mirror. The old scars and the fresh wounds were on full display to you. It made you sick.

You wanted the eight demons gone. Forever.

You stepped under the stream of hot water and hissed. It felt like your skin would burst into flames- they left their venom in your veins. They always did every, single night.

Bearing the pain, you finished your shower and continued getting ready for work. In times where your skin needed treatment, you were glad you worked at the hospital. You had medicine and all kinds of choices to choose from in order to ease the pain.

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